Why are women choosier than men when it comes to reproduction? College study: “Will you go out with me tonight?” =50% “Will you sleep with me” women=0%, men=75% Dating norms—speed dating study
mere exposure effect We simply tend to prefer things/people that we’ve seen before. Applications?
Cultural similarities The research says... Cultural similarities Body shape Symmetry Age
You will each be given a card. DO NOT LOOK AT IT You will each be given a card. DO NOT LOOK AT IT! You will place the card on your forehead and try to find your best match… (ace is high)
Opposites attract? No way! Intelligence, sensitivity, sense of humor, ambition, hobbies....
Passionate Love Biological—dopamine Adrenaline often mistaken for love This is why action movies always end as love stories
The real deal minus the obsession. Companionate Love Biological—oxytocin The real deal minus the obsession. Equity Self-disclosure
People remain in relationships only as long as they perceive a favorable ratio of costs to benefits.
Discovery: The Science of Sex Appeal .