Summit Academy (Elementary) The Sequel ABC-UBI
Our cast of characters: Administrator: Bob Zentner District Coach: Tasha Keyes Building Coordinator: Shokai Tyler The Dream Team: Gayle Peterson, Amy Solum, Cassie Martin, Melissa Morrison, Krystal Lloyd, Stacey Nielsen,
The cast is back! What is our role?
Implement school wide positive behavior support systems. Create assessment teams for DIBELS. We need a
How did we settle on that? We used feedback from our behavior survey to develop school wide expectations that reflected areas and behaviors of concern for the staff and kids. ABC-UBI
Action! We began the year by introducing the staff to the 3 Bs! Be Safe Be Kind Be Responsible We introduced the staff to the Matrix and specific expectations in each common area. Each class and common area received the 3 Bs manual. ABC-UBI
Once the staff was on board we set up a rotation schedule for the first week of school to teach the students in each grade the new rules. We concluded the first week with an assembly where we reiterated the 3 Bs and introduced the Principles 200 Club and the Recess Rewards programs.
3 Bs Tickets and Zs 200 Club Students can earn a 3 B ticket for following the 3 Bs (Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible) in common areas of the school. 10 staff members each day will give out one ticket to a student who is demonstrating the expected behavior in any common area of the school. The staff member must put their name on the ticket. When a staff member catches a student following a rule, they stop the student, describe the rule they are following, mark the area on the back of the ticket and give the ticket to the student. From 2:40-2:55 Monday through Thursday and 12:40 on Friday students who received tickets will take their ticket to the office. Morning kindergarten students will go down to the office at 10:00. An adult will help them sign their name in recognition book and choose a number to be placed on the 200 Club banner in the hall outside the office. A call will be made home to congratulate the parents for their child having earned a ticket. When 10 cells in a row are filled on the 200 chart (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) the students names on the completed row are removed. The names are announced over the PA system. With in a week these students will receive an invitation to a mystery activity with Mr. Z. All names are then removed from the chart and the process starts over.
Recess Rewards Program Purpose: Decrease problem behaviors on the playground This program will be implemented by our Recess Aides and TAs during lunch recesses. Recess Aids or TAs or teachers will carry a clipboard during lunch recess to track behavior during recess. These tracking sheets will be stored on a hook in the store room in the gym. For positive reinforcements Aids will give our I See You Beeing Good ticks during recess to children who are seen following school expectations (The 3 Bs). Students do not receive one if they ask an adult for one. Students will bring their ICU tickets into their classroom where they will deposit it into the designated plastic container. Students do not write on these tickets. Your class may decide to Cash in their ICU tickets at the following increments for the following rewards: 25 tickets- Special snack in your room or outside. 50 tickets- 45 minutes of board game and puzzle time (teachers get the time off) 100 tickets- One hour of movie and popcorn. Class must decide on a goal and tell designated UBI staff person what they are aiming for and we will post it on a board by the office and indicate when a goal has been met. 5. When a class cashes in their tickets the teacher empties the ICU tickets container into the designated ticket container in the teacher lunch room. The tickets will be reused by the Aids.
How to Reward Staff? Gift Cards!
What about the academic scene? This year we collected data for tardies, absences, office referrals, MAP testing, and DIBELS. We continue to work on finding the right tests and balance for progress monitoring to fit our program. ABC-UBI
Kindergarten Math Benchmarks
1 st Grade Math Benchmarks
2 nd -5 th Fall Math Benchmark Data
Kindergarten Reading Benchmarks
1 st Grade Reading Benchmarks
2 nd Grade Reading Benchmark s
3 rd Grade Reading Benchmarks
4 th Grade Reading Benchmarks
5 th Grade Reading Benchmarks
School Wide Reading Benchmarks
ODR Data
Lets check the reviews… Overall the programs have been very well received. We have had to adjust the number of tickets going out several times. We had to change some rewards as well. We also had to remind staff to inform students as to why they were receiving a reward ticket so they remained meaningful and linked to the school wide expectations. ABC-UBI
What we are learning We found that as we work on coming to a consensus as to when a student should receive an ODR the numbers seem to fluctuate. We are working on creating a system for tracking minor offenses to help support the use of ODRs.
Whats next? Tardies! We have had over 3,000 tardies this year! UBI to the rescue! This month we started by having each teacher review drop off times with parents at Parent Teacher Conferences We also designated a set time for teachers to close doors and send kids to the office.
Looking to EUBI part 3 In the school year we plan to: 1.Create and implement tardy and absence positive behavior support system. (We are starting this now) 2.Use academic and behavior data to help drive instructional decisions. 3.Integrate a character education plan school wide 4.Improve communication and education with parents and staff. ABC-UBI
What we learned in the editing process… We will communicate our mission and accomplishments to parents and staff more effectively. Utilizing all team members and delegating responsibilities is a must. This is a continued goal. It is vital for the administration to openly communicate their support to the staff. Go Bob! We must continually review what we have implemented and be willing to admit what is not working and find a solution quickly.
Thank you to our staff, administration, parents, kids and our new friends on the state UBI team for making this all possible.