BesMUC Reconstruction Algorithm


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Presentation transcript:

BesMUC Reconstruction Algorithm You Zhengyun School of Physics , PKU 2004.3.10

Reconstruction algorithm Fired strips 1. What to do ? find relations between tracks and fired strips. 2. How to do ? Start from an extrapolated MDC track, go on extrapolating, correct direction, attach fired strips, gap by gap… Extrapolate MDC track

Monte Carlo Data 1.0Gev Reconstructed MDC track 1.5Gev Extrapolated

A simple test Cond1. assume MDC tracks reconstructed 100% accurate; Cond2. assume MDC tracks extrapolated 100% accurate; Cond3. no Rpc noise; Single muon track event, with a certain searching window size : p GeV/c events not correctly attached fired strips /number of all fire strips in all events 0.5 1000 178/4758 ≈3.7% 1.0 1000 42/8662 ≈0.5% 1.5 1000 31/8573 ≈0.4% 2.0 1000 49/8696 ≈0.6%