Bellwork What are 3 stress/special tests that we do? What is each one for? What is the best way for you to remember things? (repeating over and over, flash cards…)
HOPS: Palpation, Stress Tests
HOPS: Palpation, Stress Tests Areas to be palpated: Bones Muscles Ligaments Tendons
HOPS: Palpation – Bony Landmarks
HOPS: Palpation - Muscles
HOPS: Palpation - Tendons
HOPS: Palpation - Ligaments
Bony Palpation: HOPS: Palpation Point Tenderness Deformities Joint Pain Joint Abnormalities
HOPS: Palpation Muscle Palpation: Point Tenderness Deformities Spasms Temperature
HOPS: Palpation Tendon Palpation: Point Tenderness Deformities Temperature
Ligamentous Palpation: HOPS: Palpation Ligamentous Palpation: Point Tenderness Deformities Temperature
Palpate for: HOPS: Palpation Pain Bony Deformities Muscle Spasms Tendon Injuries Ligament Injuries Pulse (where applicable) Breaks in Skin (injury to underlying structures) Change in Temperature Change in Sensation
HOPS: Stress Tests
HOPS: Stress Tests Range of motion The amount of movement available at a specific joint
HOPS: Stress Tests Passive ROM Movement is performed by the examiner
HOPS: Stress Tests Active ROM Movement performed by the athlete
HOPS: Stress Tests Resisted ROM Athlete attempts to move against the resistance applied by the examiner
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Lachmans = ACL
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Valgus Stress=MCL Varus Stress = LCL Medial Collateral Lig. Lateral collateral lig.
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Posterior Drawer= PCL
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures McMurray’s = Knee Meniscus
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Apprehension= Glenohumeral joint (GH Jt.) instability
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Thompson Test= Achilles Tendon
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Anterior Drawer, Ankle Ant. Talofibular Lig. (ATF)
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Talar Tilt = Calcaneofibular lig. (CF)
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Tests for specific structures Thomas Test= Hip Flexor tightness
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Muscle Testing – Testing strength of muscle group.
HOPS: Stress Tests Special Tests Functional Testing – using functional progression to assess athletes ability to perform specific activity
HOPS: Palpation, Stress Tests Areas to be palpated: Bones Muscles Ligaments Tendons
HOPS: Palpation, Stress Tests Range of Motion Specific Joint Tests Strength Tests Functional Tests