Copy down the word and the definitions 7-1 Key Terms Copy down the word and the definitions
7-1 Navigate- to set a ship’s course over water Compass- a device that uses a magnetized needle to determine direction
7-1 Astrolabe- A device that allowed sailors to use the position of the sun and stars to determine latitude.
7-1 Cartographers- mapmakers Rudder- a flat, moveable piece at the rear of the ship that makes it easier to steer.
7-1 Caravel- a small Portuguese ship that drew little water, meaning it sat high on the seas, which allowed sea captains to sail close to shore and into shallow inlets.
7-1 Gunpowder- a mixture of chemicals that exploded when lit.
Bigger nations would set up COLONIES Outposts or settlements ruled by the bigger nations. Ex. Spain would explore the Americas and set up colonies which they would rule either by a representative or the King and Queen back in Spain.