Lion Vinny
Habitat Lions live in grassy plains, savannahs, open woodlands, dense bushes and scrubland. Lions are native to Africa and northwest India.
Babies A baby lion is a cub, whelp, or lionet. Cubs play with anything of interest including their mother’s tail. Cubs begin eating meat at about the age of 6 weeks.
Physical Characteristics Lions are tawny yellow in color. Mature male lions have a thick mane of brown or black hair around their head.
Diet Lions prey on animal herds like zebras, antelope, and buffalo. Lions will also stead their meal from cheetahs and hyenas.
Interesting Facts They can grow up to be 6 feet. Lions live in permanent groups called prides. Lions can grow up to 420 pounds.
Lion I chose the lion, because it is fun to research. My favorite thing was learning about their diet.