Short case presentation Dr. Abhay JR 2 Under Guidance of Prof. Dr. Anjali Wasadikar Madam Dept. of Radio diagnosis BJMC, PUNE.
HISTORY 20 year old female came to Sassoon Hospital c/o fever, Vomiting , pain in right lumbar region with dysuria since 7 days. Raised serum creatinine level
POSSIBILITIES THAT WERE CONSIDERED Hydatid cyst of right kidney Pyonephrosis
Pyonephrosis Pyonphrosis is infection of kidney which leads to pus in upper collecting system which can progess to obstruction. Clinical features Fever,flank pain ON USG Dilatation of pelvicalyceal system Echogenic debris in collecting system Fluid-fluid level and dirty echoes in collecting system.
pyonehrosis On CT Findings Thickening of renal pelvic wall(> 2mm) Perinephric fat stranding Dilatation and obstruction of collecting system High attenuation of collecting system