1 Remediation Workflow Automated Scan Reports Patch Report Remediation Policies Remediation Tickets API Custom Report Templates
2 Remediation Workflow Automated QGIR (QualysGuard Integration with Reporting)
3 Sample Reporting Issue
4 QualysGuard tickets are grouped by QID in Reporting. This enables easy patching. To further ease the administrative burden we utilize the patch report to consolidate vulnerabilities. QGIR tracks metrics against all offices fairly. All participating offices are given the same time frame and opportunity to remediate vulnerabilities. Further rounds supersede existing tickets. All unresolved Reporting tickets from the previous round are marked incomplete and the remaining vulnerabilities will be included in the new round. Create the tickets into Reporting, a JIRA ITIL-aligned implementation. With Landesks ability to patch multiple hosts for the same vulnerability, it makes sense to group by QID. Store the vulnerabilities and associated Reporting tickets in a separate database to allow for proper verification. QualysGuard vulnerabilities of the same QID for the same office are assembled into a CSV containing pertinent information. QGIR Workflow – Issue Vulnerabilities
5 QGIR Verify Workflow QGIR verification will reopen all QGIR Reporting issues that still have vulnerable hosts. For example, lets say Site A had 2 QGIR tickets in Reporting, and each of those QGIR tickets had 10 vulnerable hosts. If one host in both QGIR tickets was not fixed for either vulnerability then both tickets will be reopened. QGIR will verify that all hosts in each ticket that was marked resolved has, in fact, removed the vulnerability.
6 QGIR Verify Workflow – Attachments
7 QGIR Verify – Decommissioned Hosts QGIR verification will reopen all QGIR Reporting issues that still have vulnerable hosts. Therefore, all QualysGuard remediation tickets associated with decommissioned hosts must be removed. Note the search by NetBIOS name is not an exact search. It will return remediation tickets containing the NetBIOS name. For example, a NetBIOS search of USNYSMITHGE1 will also return tickets associated with hostname, USNYSMITHGE11. Remove these false positives by parsing the resulting XML file. QualysGuard will not report a very real, but previously discovered vulnerability on a replacement host with the decomissioned IP/hostname. The ticket must be deleted.
8 Parag Baxi, CISA, CISM, CISSP, CRISC, PMP Employee, Qualys Senior Security Engineer, Ogilvy & Mather Architected ITIL-aligned worldwide VM QualysGuard implementation with heavy emphasis on automation, ROI and security best practices. Over 10 years of enterprise experience at UMDNJ, EDS, HP Enterprise Services (consultancy for The Federal Reserve Bank of New York), and Google. Advocate and active contributor of the Qualys community. Published open-source QualysGuard integration code. B.S. degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University. Thank you!