The cats that climb trees. Thunder clan The cats that climb trees.
Their camp Thunderclan live in a mine hole. Before the great journey they lived in a ravine.
leaders Firestar: orange tom. Bluestar: blue-gray she cat. Pinestar: brown tabby tom. Sunstar: orange-yellow tom.
deputies Sunfall, bluefur, fireheart, redfur, graystripe, brambleclaw, Whitestorm, squirrelflight.
Medicine cats Yellowfang: gray she cat. Cinderpelt: gray she cat Leafpool: dark ginger she cat. Jayfeather: gray tabby tom.
Brambleclaw, squirrelflight, bluestar, firestar. The saver's Brambleclaw, squirrelflight, bluestar, firestar.
Their moves Forest attack Lighting strike Attack quietly keep downwind of the enemy if have light color pelt make sure to keep in dense forest and do not hesitate for the perfect time to attack. Lighting strike spring squarely onto enemies shoulders aiming for the ears, attack fats then retreat then spring back. Do it until enemy retreats.
The clan that can: They are mainly written about and win most battles because they are the main clan.