Instructions for Accessing Dell Data From Outside the ISyE Network From within the ISyE Network Using SecureCRT
SecureCRT If you are not on the ISyE network, you’ll need to connect to Castle. In this screen shot I am connecting using SecureCRT
You’ll be prompted for your user name and password You’ll be prompted for your user name and password. “jvandeva” is my username on the ISyE computing network. It’s my “unix account”. IT IS NOT THE SAME ACCOUNT YOU USE TO LOG INTO T-SQUARE!
That worked first try for me That worked first try for me. In the past I have had to enter my username and password 2 or 3 times. Once I’m connected to castle, I connect to squire using ssh
You’ll be prompted for your password (again for your unix account)
Since the user id on the MySql database (jv3) is different from my unix user name (jvandeva), I have to use the longer form to connect to MySql. When prompted for my password, I use the one for MySQL, the one I sent you in your case.
Now I can execute MySQL commands against the database.
If you are already on the ISyE Network I’ll illustrate using SecureCRT…Click on the “new session” icon (unless you already have a session for Squire)
Click next
Enter squire as the host and your unix user name as the username. Click next
Enter a description if you wish Click next
That created a session for squire. Select it and click on Connect
Enter your unix acct username and password. Click OK
You are connected to Squire. Now connect to MySQL exactly as before
Problems? Don’t have a unix account? Still no luck? Request one at Still no luck? Send an e-mail to It might help to include the subject line “Accessing Dell Data” Please be sure to share the solutions to your problems with your classmates. We don’t want to make this too arduous for our IT staff. They are overworked.