Bell Ringers Feb. 5-9 World History OL
What impact did the new weaponry have on soldiers? BR #1: Monday, Feb. 5 What impact did the new weaponry have on soldiers? Define propaganda and give an example. What is total war? Why did the U.S. join the war? Did you know: On February 12, 2009, the NAACP marked its 100th anniversary. Spurred by growing racial violence in the early twentieth century, and particularly by 1908 race riots in Springfield, Illinois, a group of African-American leaders joined together to form a new permanent civil rights organization, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). February 12, 1909, was chosen because it was the centennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.
List three of Wilson’s fourteen points. BR #2: Tuesday, Feb. 6 When did WWI end? Define armistice. List three of Wilson’s fourteen points. Did you know: While, George Washington Carver did not actually invent peanut butter he did develop 300 derivative products from peanuts among them cheese, milk, coffee, flour, ink, dyes, plastics, wood stains, soap, linoleum, medicinal oils and cosmetics.
What were the 3 main provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? BR #3: Wednesday, Feb. 7 What were the 3 main provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? Why did the U.S. not sign the Treaty of Versailles nor join the League of Nations? Did you know: Hiram Rhodes Revels was the first African American ever elected to the U.S. Senate. He represented the state of Mississippi from February 1870 to March 1871.
Why did redrawing the map not solve the problems in Europe? BR #4: Thursday, Feb. 8 List 3 legacies of WWI. Why did redrawing the map not solve the problems in Europe? Why did Germans resent the Treaty of Versailles? Before turning in: Please put the following in the upper RIGHT-hand corner of your paper: First and last name Class period Date Once complete, please turn in all 4 bell ringers for this week. Did you know: In 1940, Hattie McDaniel was the first African-American performer to win an Academy Award—the film industry’s highest honor—for her portrayal of a loyal slave governess in Gone With the Wind.