Dictionary Definition 2 Examples AND Picture Explain in your own words Vocabulary Matrix - Waves 5.5 Lenses and Mirrors Name: ______________________________ Term Dictionary Definition 2 Examples AND Picture Explain in your own words Use correctly in a science related sentence Lens A transparent substance with curved sides for concentrating or dispersing light rays. Concave Lens A lens that is thinner in the middle and causes light waves to spread out. Convex lens A lens that is thicker in the middle and focuses light waves to a single point. Real Image An upside down image formed where rays of light meet. (in concave mirrors) Virtual Image An upright image formed where rays of light appear to meet of come from. (in a plane mirror) Plane Mirror A flat mirror that produces an upright image.
Dictionary Definition 2 Examples AND Picture Explain in your own words Vocabulary Matrix 5. Term Dictionary Definition 2 Examples AND Picture Explain in your own words Use correctly in a sentence Angle of Incidence an angle made by a light ray or wave hitting a surface and the line perpendicular to that surface. Angle of Reflection The angle made by a reflected ray with a perpendicular to the reflecting surface.