Part 1- Stomata Part 2- Transpiration Transpiration Lab Part 1- Stomata Part 2- Transpiration
transpiration capillary action, by adhesion and cohesion, water drops are moved up and out the leaves.
Water potential The potential energy per unit volume. Tendency of water to move from one area to another. We know water moves from an area of _____ Formula: The more negative the water potential the more chance of water moving in.
Water potential
The data All calculations should be in the notebook. Label the work.
What factors affect the rate of transpiration?
In your notebook part B Intro- environment conditions, what you expect and why Hypothesis- Materials- Procedure- include a diagram of the potometer, labeled Data- table
Group data Room Bright light Wind Mist Heat Condition Leaf surface area cm^2 0 min 3min 6min 9min 12 min 15 18 Up to 30min Room Bright light Wind Mist Heat
Condition Water loss ml Leaf Surface area cm^2 Leaf Surface area in m^2 (cm^2 / 10,000) Water loss ml/m^2 is the rate for 30min Room Bright Light Wind Mist