Evaluating Success of Current Treatments for HCM
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
HCM Prevalence
Diagnosis Process
Identifying HCM
Nonspecific Symptoms of HCM
MOGE(S) Classification of Cardiomyopathies
Heterogeneous HCM -- A Broad Term
Diagnostic Challenges
Case Presentation
Case Presentation (cont)
Case Presentation (cont)
Case Presentation (cont)
Disease Pathway
Obstruction Is Associated With Symptom Progression in HCM
Treatment Algorithm for Obstructive HCM
Case Presentation (cont) Treatment Approach
No HCM-Specific Treatments to Date
Nonobstructive HCM
More Options for Obstructive HCM Invasive Septal Reduction Therapy
Investigational Therapies
Mavacamten (MYK-461)
PIONEER-HCM (Phase 2 Study) Mavacamten Reduces LVOT Gradients
PIONEER-HCM (Phase 2 Study) Improvement in Symptoms and Functional Capacity
Ongoing Trials in Obstructive HCM and NOHCM
PIONEER-OLE Positive Six-Month Safety and Efficacy Data
Abbreviations (cont)