Why hold the Mega Raffle? The NEC Foundation is charged with raising funds to support all of Exchanges Programs of Service – To properly fund the programs, new revenue sources are required. Mega Raffle is a way to raise needed funds while helping local clubs and CAP centers and rewarding those who contribute with cash prizes.
What are the prizes? $100,000 Grand Prize Early-bird cash prizes of $1,000, $2,500 and $5,000 Additional cash prizes totaling $25,000 to 27 winners
How do local clubs benefit? $50,000* will be directly rebated back to local clubs and CAP centers that help sell tickets 10% of sales attributed to each club will be rebated directly back to the club or CAP center responsible for selling the raffle ticket An additional $50,000* will be placed in a dedicated competitive grant fund for local clubs and CAP centers The total amount rebated to clubs and CAP centers as well as the competitive grant fund is based on the total number of tickets sold. $50,000 assumes a full sell-out of 5,000 tickets.
Tickets will be sold on-line over the internet, by telephone (by calling Exchange in Toledo), by Fax or in person in Toledo. Each ticket will cost $100 and entitles you to the early- bird drawing (when purchased by each deadline) and the Grand Prize and additional prize drawings. If you win an early-bird drawing, you are still eligible for the Grand Prize and additional drawings. Due to state regulations, the raffle will be conducted in accordance with Ohio law and is void where prohibited by law or regulation. How do I buy tickets?
The answer to that question is sort of. Nobody will be given a stack of tickets and be asked to sell them. (due to the laws regulating raffles, that isnt practical, and in some states isnt legal) Trustees, ambassadors, Board members, District Presidents and Presidents-Elect, Volunteer Field Reps and others will be asked to encourage others to purchase tickets online or in one of the other ways outlined previously. Remember that every ticket attributed to your club (or CAP center) is worth $10 to your club. Non-members that purchase tickets will be given the opportunity to designate a club or CAP center. (any portion of the rebate money not designated for a specific club or center will be added to the competitive grant fund) Will I be asked to sell tickets?
The raffle is scheduled to kick-off at the National Mid-Year Conference held next February in New Orleans. Early-bird drawings will be held on March 31, April 30 and May 31, 2014 at the National Offices in Toledo The Grand Prize and other winners will be announced at the Celebration banquet of the National Convention in New Orleans in July, 2014 When will the raffle take place?