Maths will be based on targets from the National Curriculum. Literacy will be based on ‘Talk for Writing’, in which children learn the features of a text and use them as a model before creating their own versions of a text type. There will be also be emphasis on regular reading, basic grammar and punctuation, as well as a continuation of learning year group spellings. Year 3: Adventure stories, persuasive adverts, poetry. Year 4: Narrative: Warning Stories. Non-Fiction: Persuasion and Discussion. Poetry. Maths will be based on targets from the National Curriculum. Year 3 – Fractions, properties of shape, measure (volume, mass and money) and statistics. Year 4 – Angles, shape, symmetry, area, perimeter and statistics. There will be a continued focus on learning and using times table facts. Science Looking at Animals: Children will look at a wide range of animals and learn how to classify them. Naming body parts of animals, describing and mimicking how they move, learning about carnivore’s herbivores and omnivores, reminding the children that all animals need to eat to be healthy. Where does all that food go?: Children will learn all about the skeleton, digestive system, food chains, nutrition and about our teeth and their uses. RE Year 3: Learning about Brahma. Year 4: Jewish ways of showing commitment. PE Athletics and rounders. Participation in our whole school Sports Fortnight. Geography We will study aspects of recording Geographical information such as: using eight point compass directions, map symbols and keys, aerial images and other models to create simple plans and maps. We will also investigate the similarities and differences between the location of Burghfield and the wider area of Reading. Art To create images in the style of Romero Britto, a Brazilian Pop artist. To explore the work of Matisse and Picasso. D.T. To understand healthy eating and the need for a balanced diet. To design, make and taste our own healthy sandwiches. Computing Year 3: To find and retrieve information and format it in an information document. To explore Lego WeDo. Year 4: To explore databases and creative tools using the ‘Purple Mash’ platform. Possible Places to visit: Please encourage your child to be as active as possible with any sport or activity that they enjoy.