SPICEWORKS Spiceworks is the new trouble ticket software where you can instantly submit a ticket to the IT team so that we can help you more quickly. This enables you to get in contact with us much Faster.
How It Works: To start off open up internet explorer. Next type this link into the web address bar: http://helpdesk/ Note! You must be on a networked computer to go to Spiceworks. (office Computer or remote desktop connection.)
Logging in: You should now be at the log in screen for renarc IT. The two boxes at The bottom of the screen will be used to log on and submit a work order. Your log on credentials are the same as the ones you use to log on to the Network.
Home Page: This is the main page or hub of the Helpdesk. This is the first page you will see after You log in. The first tab is the home screen where you will always default to. The second tab is where you can submit or check on a computer work order. The third tab is where you can submit a new user request. The fourth tab is where you can check the status of your tickets. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Computer Work Orders: Make sure to complete all of the boxes as best you can so we can Get to fixing the problem ASAP. You may also attach a file under “Optional Attachment”( screenshots are useful.) If you do wish to Attach a item click Browse… and then navigate to where the item is Found ( Pictures, Documents, Computer etc.)
New User Request: To request a new user simply fill the boxes out and we will take care Of it as soon as we can. In the copy from this user box, please put the Name of an employee with similar network access so we can copy their Access. In additional notes let us know if there are any unique access or Rules to be put on this users account.
Checking the Status of a work order or request: If you have submitted a work order or new user request you can check the status of it by going to either tab. If you click on the blue link it will take you To the status page for your ticket.
Ticket Page: This is the main page to check or comment on your ticket status. Open and closed work orders can be viewed here and this is the page you will navigate to in order to see their status. Closed tickets you can check on by clicking the link.
Reopening a ticket: If you ever need to reopen a ticket for any reason (problem re-occurred) Go to either of the two tabs on the right( computer work order or New User request) and you will see a box on the right with “Closed help requests.” You can also simply navigate to the “Your Tickets” tab and view their status there.
Reopening a Ticket: On the right hand side of this screen you will see a box saying “if this issue Has occurred again you can reopen this request. Underneath it is a link to reopen the request, simply click on it and it Will reopen your ticket number.
Logging Off: After your session make sure you log off by hitting sign out in The upper right hand corner!