Usage of doubt / denial verbs with imperfect subjunctive mood
Imperfect subjunctive - usage Doubt and Denial When constructing a sentence, put the denial or the doubt statement in the first part of the sentence in the past tense (must be imperfect to be a doubt), use que, and then put the second verb in the past subjunctive. DOES NOT NEED CHANGE OF SUBJECT.
Doubt/denial verbs dudar-to doubt no pensar-to not think (e to ie stem changer) no creer-to not believe no estar segura(o)-to not be sure negar-to deny (e to ie stem changer) hay duda-there is doubt ¿creer?-do you believe? ¿pensar?-do you think?
Dudaba que tú comprendieras esta lección en italiano. Examples Dudaba que tú comprendieras esta lección en italiano. I doubted that you understood this lesson in Italian. No creía que ellos llamaran a nosotros más tarde. I did not believe that they called us very late.