The Czech Republic
geography an inland country in central Europe borders on Poland (north), Germany (west), Austria (south), the Slovak Republic (east) the area about 78 thousand square km population about 10,5 mil.
geography landscape – varied mountain ranges – on the border the highest mountain – Sněžka highlands lowlands, fertile valleys 4 national parks – the Krkonoše NP, Bohemian Switzerland,… many nature reserves and protected areas
Weather geography large rivers – the Labe, the Vltava, the Morava,… lakes – Černé Lake, Kamencové Lake, Čertovo Lake,… ponds – south Bohemia (Rožmberk Pond) dams – on the Vltava River (Lipno Dam, Orlík Dam,…) Weather moderate continental climate 4 seasons with cold winters and warm summers the warmest place – Southern Moravia
division divided into 3 parts: Bohemia Moravia Silesia since 2000 the CR has been divided into 13 regions and the capital city of Prague every region - own elected regional assembly and a regional governor the capital – Prague (over 1mil. inhabitants) other large cities – Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Liberec, Olomouc,..
Political system parliamentary democracy the head of state – the president the head of government – the prime minister the government - ministers (Ministry of Health, M. of Education, M. of the Interior, M. of Transport,…) State symbols: flag anthem coat of arms (double-tailed lion) banner national colours seal
Industry quite industrial state most of the economy has been privatised many branches: car industry (Mladá Boleslav) petrochemical industry (Litvinov, Pardubice) heavy machinery (Brno, Plzeň, Prague) food industry (Plzeň) glass making, costume jewellery (Jablonec, Turnov,…)
Agriculture many forests, meadows, fields corn – wheat, barley, rye, oats sugar beat, sunflowers, potatoes, fruits, hops, grapes pigs, cattle, poultry = usually smaller farms horses
Raw materials the CR – dependent on import of energy and raw materials sources of: lignite (Chomutov, Sokolov) coal (Ostrava) uranium (the Ore Mountains) timber (= wood for building - South Bohemia)
Places of interests abbeys Karlovy Vary brewing beer Karlštejn Match the place with its description abbeys brewing beer coal mines medieval castle renaissance buildings chateau thermal spa fortress and prison Tugendhat Villa Karlovy Vary Karlštejn Plzeň Hluboká Ostrava Macocha Brno Terezín Český Krumlov
Famous people Charles IV Antonín Dvořák T. G. Masaryk Miloš Forman Milan Kundera Emma Destinová Tomáš Baťa Josef Mánes Otto Wichterle Emil Zátopek president artist writer singer businessman composer scientist sportsman king director