Welcome to Lima class! Staff Mrs Williams, Mrs Street,


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Lima class! Staff Mrs Williams, Mrs Street, Mrs Caiger, Mrs McKenna & Mrs Morland (Please visit our Lima Class webpage on the school website on which we post information, photos, useful hints and reminders!)

Routines in Lima Class The children come into school at 8.40 am through the playground door and independently complete an ‘early bird’ task. PE days are every Monday & Thursday. The children must have full P.E kits which are labelled. Each day we start with a prayer followed by an assembly, class liturgy or class circle time until 9.30am. Our library day is Friday. Please ensure that library books are brought to school in exchange for a wonderful new book!

Homework Year 1 maths homework will be set by Mr Bays, handed out on Wednesdays and due in on the following Monday. Children will be shown where to hand in their homework in Lima class. The box will be clearly labelled “Maths Homework for Mr Bays”. Year 1 spellings homework will be set by Mrs Street and handed out on Tuesdays. The children will be tested the following Monday. Please help your child practise the spellings each week and use the words in a sentence to help contextualise new vocabulary. Please ensure that your child reads every day allowing time to talk about the story and encouraging your child to re-tell the story using their own words. Comprehension of texts is incredibly important! Reading books should be handed in every Friday in exchange for a new set. Please ensure reading records are signed each week.

A slide for the diary! Mondays – Spelling books in school for a spelling test. Maths homework for Mr Bays. Tuesdays – New spellings given in spelling books. Wednesdays – Maths homework (set when necessary) sent home by Mr Bays. Fridays – Hand in reading books and reading records. Hand in library book in exchange for a new one. Everyday – Read, read, read!

Curriculum - Reception In the Early Years Foundation Stage children learn best when they experience learning first hand, through meaningful interactions with others, through physical activity and through play. The Early Years curriculum emphasises three prime areas of learning: Personal, social and emotional Communication and Language Physical The curriculum breaks down into four further areas of learning: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design

Continued… Teaching in Reception is organised through a range of approaches and provides a balance of child initiated and adult-led activities: Planned focussed activities where adults work with a small group of children at a time. Teachers will differentiate the activity to meet the needs of every child participating. Small group teaching of early reading and writing through a phonics based programme called Phonics Bug. Whole class teaching for short periods of time such as shared story-time, direct teaching (for example of maths), songs and rhymes, discussions and sharing work. Opportunities for teachers to work alongside children as they develop their own interests in particular areas of the curriculum.

Literacy We use the teaching method, “Talk for Writing” to help children develop their skills in talking about and writing stories. Talk for Writing starts with enjoying and sharing and acting out stories. Our texts this term will be inspired by our topic, “Land Ahoy!” Through regular reading, we want children to build up an extensive and rich vocabulary for use in their own writing. Each half term we focus on a particular story and genre of text. The children will hear the story several times and as a class we will explore any new vocabulary.

The Phonics screening test in June 2019. Reception Phonics During our daily phonics sessions we will be learning letter sounds. We will begin to learn the initial sounds and practise these in a variety of ways, using paper, pen, whiteboards, shaving foam, paint, play dough etc. The children will quickly learn to blend sounds to read simple words (eg p-a-n is pan) and to segment sounds to spell simple sounds. http://www.letters-and-sounds.com/ Year 1 Phonics Our daily phonics sessions revisit Phase 3 and will be moving quickly through Phase 4 to Phase 5 phonics. The Phonics screening test in June 2019. Please look at Lima Class website for more information on the different Phonic Phases!

P.E We use the hall and outdoor area for physical activities. Lessons will involve children finding their own space, listening to instructions, working as a team and learning new skills. The P.E lessons are delivered by coach Felix and also Mrs Williams. Our topics this term are Ball Skills and Team Building.

Maths – Reception We will be focusing on numbers to 20, recognising them, writing them, counting sets and ordering them. We will be focusing on one, two or three numbers a week and really exploring the numbers in depth. We will look at different ways of making that number and numbers that add together to give that number as a total. Along with number we will begin to explore shape, pattern and measuring.

Year 1 are taught Maths by Mr Bays every day Maths – Year 1 Year 1 are taught Maths by Mr Bays every day This term we will focus on counting, ordering and comparing numbers 20 and beyond, by their numerals and in written form. We will be practicing counting on and back through number stories for addition and subtraction. Later in the term we will focus on identifying, naming and sorting 2D shapes according to their different properties.

Reception are taught God’s World by Mrs Williams RE – Reception Reception are taught God’s World by Mrs Williams We will focus on the story of Creation at the beginning of term. We will sequence the story through song and art. We will then learn about ‘People who care for us’ and relate experiences with families and friends.

Year 1 are taught RE by Mr Bays twice a week RE – Year 1 Year 1 are taught RE by Mr Bays twice a week The focus of RE for this term is the story of Creation. The children will develop their appreciation of themselves and the world around them as part of God’s creation. We will sequence the story of creation, write prayers for use in the harvest liturgy and explore the story of St. Francis of Assisi.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development As the children enter this new social environment they are encouraged to make new friends, to share and to take turns. The children will be encouraged to become independent learners in the classroom and this includes becoming familiar with classroom routines. Our topic for this term is “Being me in the world” which looks at the similarities and differences among us and the wonderful qualities we can share together. We will go on to learn about our likes and dislikes as well as our senses and feelings.

Art and Design Creative opportunities are available to children throughout the day across the curriculum. Some of these opportunities include: painting, drawing, model-making, role play, imaginary play and music-making. Specific skills will be taught during our “Topic” sessions in the afternoons. Most of the creative activities will be linked to our topic work.

Communication and Language The children will be developing their speaking and listening skills through daily class discussions using their learning partners. Our role play area will also provide opportunities to listen and respond to others for Reception children.

Science The children will be learning about everyday materials such as rubber, plastic, wax, paper, wood, metal etc. We will look at which materials make the best pirate ships linking to out Topic, “Land Ahoy!” We will explore new vocabulary to help us describe the properties of different materials.

Attendance and Lateness School starts at 8.40am and the register is taken down by 9.00am. Each morning, children complete an early morning task so it is important that your child arrives promptly to school so they are ready to learn. If your child is sick please call the office or leave a message by 8.30am. Children need to be collected at 3.15pm. If your child is being collected by someone different, please inform the school office and teacher in writing.

Behaviour Policy Positive behaviour is rewarded by certificates, class treats, House points and Golden Time. We follow the ‘Golden Rules’ of our school. Sanctions will consist of loss of Golden Time. We have written a fantastic Lima ‘Class Charter’ that the children have put together and agreed to follow, which has been based on the Golden Rules.

What to do if you have a concern Speak informally to the class teacher on the play ground (either before or after school). Make an appointment with the class teacher. Speak through concerns at parents evening. Make an appointment to see the Key Stage leader, Deputy Head, SENCO or Executive Head.

Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future. It is a privilege to teach your children. Thank you!