USAS Fiscal Year-End FY 2019 Welcome to the USAS FYE May 2019 1
Redesign Fiscal Year End No new information added for this fiscal year Processing is the same like prior years There is one thing that is new this year… Redesign
EMIS-R/Data Collector The financial data submission process will be done through EMIS-R and will continue to be under district control. An authorized person in the district (EMIS Coordinator, Treasurer, etc.) will need to upload the flat file, run the data collection process, and submit the data to ODE. Must be sent to ODE before period 19H closes The current period H dates are 6/3/19 - 8/30/19. A second window will be opened for EIS/Inventory reporting 9/3/19 – 9/27/19. Not any changes this year with how we will be reporting the Period H Data All the financial EMIS reporting will be done via the Data Collector - Similar to what you have done with the five year forecast. Take time to determine who in your district will be submitting this info We have more information such as an EMIS-R Overview and Data Collector info on website which will give instructions on how to upload files, process your data and certify and submit to ODE. Upload Collect and prepare Data Review Error Reports and Data Certify and Submit
EMIS Financial Data Reporting Period H Data is to be reported to ODE via EMIS-R Reporting Period H Data types consist of: Cash, Budget, and Revenue accounts Operational Unit Codes Data entered in USAEMSEDT Data entered in USAEMSDB Capital Assets What data is reported for Period H Read Slip Period H was to open today Will need to be a certain percentages by specific dates.
Financial Data Reporting Data Sources: Some of the data for financial reporting will be pulled directly from district’s live USAS data, while other portions will be pulled from EMIS-R “flat files” (i.e USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ). Live USAS data includes: Cash, Expenditure, Revenue Accounts Account data will be pulled either from the current year data or from account history data depending on the timing of when the EMIS-R data collection is run. Operational Units Data pulled from different sources – USAS and flat file Cash/Expenditure/Revenue and OPU’s will pull from live files.
Financial Data Reporting Flat Files data includes: USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ generated from USAEMS Cash Reconciliation Federal Assistance Summary and Detail Civil Proceedings District and Building Profile information Capital Assets EISEMS.SEQ or file exported from EMIS-FFE USAEMSEDT data USAEMSDB data Flat files will need to be loaded into the Data Collector again very similar to Five Year Forecast files were “flat files” USAEMS creates an .SEQ file that contains your USAEMSEDT data (4502) and your building information USAEMSDB Capital Assets will also Create A .SEQ file if you are using EIS If using other than EIS, you will create your file using EMIS_ffe – talk about later QUESTIONS REGARDING PERIOD H???
Pre-Closing Procedures The following steps must be completed prior to closing for fiscal year-end Move on to the Pre-closing These can be completed in any order but should be completed prior to closing.
District/Building Financial Data The District Financial General Information and Building Financial information must be entered through USAEMSDB Data is reported for Financial Reporting Period H for FY19 District and Building Information will need to be entered in USAEMSDB To access at the menu type USAEMDB and you wil have 4 options.
USAEMSDB - DSTMNT USAEMSDB program Option 1: Central Office Square Footage ITC IRN – East/Valley View (095893) West/Elyria (085589) East (095893) -- West (085589) Option 1 is to load your Central Office Square Footage Last years data will be populated in these fields so all you will need to do is modify IF necessary If your ITC id has not been populated - use F14 to modify and add IRN the correct number.
USAEMSDB - BLDMNT The transportation and lunchroom percentages and correct square footage fields are in the USAEMSDB program option 2 - BLDMNT 111111 46,280 10.04 9.27 111112 56,600 11.66 12.56 111113 69,535 12.50 11.27 111114 218,770 30.36 30.19 111115 100,610 24.79 22.34 111116 67,360 10.65 14.37 Option 2 will be the building information Enter the Square feet/transportation and lunchroom percentage for each building in your district. If you have new building, you will use F12 to add. The total of all percentages must equal 100 or you will receive fatal errors.
USAEMSDB - BLDRPT A report can be generated for the transportation, lunchroom percentages and building square footage under USAEMSDB option 3 - BLDRPT Use Option 3 to generate a building report to easily view your information This report lists each building by IRN
VALACT Run VALACT to check for any invalid accounts in your master account files All Fatal errors must be corrected prior to closing Use ACTCHG to change to valid accounts WARNING messages will not cause any problems when trying to run year-end programs like USAEMSEDT or USAEMS FATAL messages will prevent the USAEMS sequential file from being created ANY & ALL WARNINGS SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED !!! Run VALCT to determine if any invalid accounts exist on the master account file. Warnings associated with account that have zero amounts do not need to be corrected. We suggest cleaning these up at some point but not necessary for FYE. All fatal errors need to be correct prior to closing - Will cause errors in USAEMS If invalid accounts do exist, you can use ACTGHG to assign valid account codes. The VALACT Errors and Warnings handout on our website explains this in further detail.
Possible VALACT messages “Invalid Fund Per Current Blue Book Standards” The Fund is no longer valid in USAS WARNING will precede the message if there was no activity against the fund; you can choose to ignore the warning FATAL will precede it if there is any activity against the fund; it will cause errors when running USAEMS Invalid Fund messages are mainly associated with grant funds. If AOS does not assign a new fund number to replace the invalid fund, you can use FNDCHG assign it to a miscellaneous account (499/599 with a unique SCC) Some of the common messages (No need to read all) Again warning can be ignored, Fatals will need to be corrected Most common with grant funds when the AOS assigns a new fund To do this you would use FNDCHG If AOS does not assign a new number to replace the invalid fund you can create a 499/599 with a unique SCC
Possible VALACT Messages “Function must be defined at a higher level of detail” The same message applies for receipt or object codes The dimension (function, receipt or object code) is no longer valid in USAS; AOS has defined it to a higher level of detail WARNING will precede the message if no activity against this code; you can choose to ignore the warning FATAL will precede it if there is any activity against the code; may use ACTCHG to make the necessary updates Another common error is for Functions that AOS may have defined at a higher level. Again FUNDCHG would work for in these instances
VALACT Message “Warning: ODE requires OPU to be entered for this func/obj per EMIS Guide” For certain function/object code pairings, a 000 OPU is not allowed. A warning is issued if the IRN related to the OPU is the district IRN These function/object code pairings have been in Section 6.3 of the EMIS Guide for years but since ODE is validating them in the data collector, the same validations were implemented in USAS and appear on VALACT as warnings. Also, these OPUs warnings will only be generated for traditional districts that have more than 1 building represented in their OPU master file. The OPU warnings will not be generated for ESC's, Career Centers, Community Schools or any other entities that are not either a City, Local, or Exempted Village district type. These warnings are for function/object combinations where ODE has indicated in the EMIS Guide that an OPU is required. At this time, unless something changes, these accounts will still be able to be submitted without an OPU in the EMIS submissions and ODE will prorate the amounts back to the buildings in their building level reporting. They will show up as "Critical Errors" in the EMIS Level 1 validations; which is really just another type of warning as the data will still be submitted on to ODE.
41xx/8x0 must have OPU defined Example VALACT warning: 02 200 4111 891 9001 000000 400 00 000 Warning: ODE requires OPU to be entered for this func/obj per EMIS Guide. ART CLUB - EXPENSES Entity OPU Description IRN Type 001 SAMPLEVILLE - DISTRICT WIDE 011111 100 SAMPLEVILLE ELEM/MIDDLE SCHOOL 022222 200 SAMPLEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 033333 300 SAMPLEVILLE CENTRAL OFFICE 011111 C 400 EXTRA CURRICULARS 011111 Chapter 6.3 41xx/8x0 must have OPU defined Sample of the OPU error EMIS guide states 41xx function with object 8X0 must have OPU defined (meaning OPU must be tied to building IRN#). In OPUEDT 400 is tied to district IRN. Leave as is and it will prorate expenses, otherwise if ART club expenses are tied to high school, ACTCHG the OPU to 200 so expenses will be tied to HS building IRN#
EMIS Fund Categories Check cash account for EMIS Fund Categories EMISFCAT Report Lists all funds and associated fund categories VALACT Lists errors for invalid fund categories Lists warning for funds that should have an EMIS category Enter * if an appropriate code does not exist Make changes in ACTSCN or in USASWeb ODE uses the EMIS FUND Categories to perform analysis of these funds You will need to check your cash accounts to verify they have the appropriate Fund Categories listed. Again, your VALACT will list any fatal errors and warnings which pertain to the EMIS Fund Category. All Corrections can be made in ACTSCN or USASWEB. You may want to run the EMISFCAT report which will list all your funds and the associated fund category assigned If there is not an appropriate code for a cash fund, you can enter an asterisk in the EMIS Fund Category field Chapter 4 of the EMIS manual lists all fund required to have an Fund Category, this list is also on our website. The category is intended to define the fund/special cost center combination describing the type of fund for the EMIS year-end financial data processing. The fund categories allow ODE to be able to perform analysis on these types of funds. It will be necessary to use ACTSCN to manually update this field for the necessary funds. If a category is not necessary for the fund, help will display the message “No EMIS categories required for this fund.” .
EMIS Fund Categories F7 Help will display available codes for the current fund. Can also be found in Chapter 6.2 of the EMIS Guide. This EMIS Fund Category field is located in ACTSCN on the 2nd screen of the cash accounts. Press F7 Key to see a list of available codes for the current fund If a code is not necessary for a fund, the help key will indicate that with a “No EMIS categories required for this fund” message.
* Current ODE EMIS Manual - Section 6.2 Cash Record (QC) EMIS Fund Categories * Current ODE EMIS Manual - Section 6.2 Cash Record (QC) If you prefer using the USASWeb to enter your EMIS fund categories it is located in the Web under the Cash Module. You will need to Query the fund, then use the Edit Button. Click on the drop down list to see all the categories that correspond to that fund. 19
OPU’s Check Operational Units If 000 OPU is used it must be reporting district IRN Mostly an issue with ITCs Check IRN and Entity Type Use USASWeb/ Operational Units to query all the OPUS or use OPUEDT to change; and make modifications if needed OPULST for report You will need to check your operational units Expenditure Flow Model uses your operational units for building expenditure perorations in the EFM Use OPUEDT to verify that your IRNS and Entity types are correct Keep in Mind that all IRNS SHOULD BELONG TO THE DISTRICT Any OPU specifically designated for central office costs should be flagged with an entity type of “C”. Use OPUEDT to review and make any necessary changes. OPULST will provide a report of all your OPU’s
Operational Units Check Operational Units Check IRN and Entity Type Use USASWeb/ Operational Units to query all the OPUs; and make modifications if needed If you prefer to use USASWeb to make changes, you may do so by accessing the configuration menu.
APPROPRIATIONS Next Year estimated budgets and revenues may be entered into the Next Year Proposed fields through APPROP (NYPMASS, NYPMNT, and NYPLOAD) Must be completed PRIOR to running Fiscal Year-End ADJUST The GAAP Original Budget field will be set during adjust IABMAS, IABMNT or IABLOAD, also part of APPROP, may be used AFTER closing the fiscal year If you plan to update your next years proposed amounts, you can use the APPROP program. Note that if you choose to enter your NYP in ACTSCN, your GAAP Original field will not update automatically This must be completed before you close out your FY. When adjust is run it takes the figures in the next year proposed field and moves them to the initial budget or revenue field And GAAP Original Budget fields will be set If you would like to wait until after FY closing to enter Initial Account Balances, you would use the IAB options in the APPROP menu There is also a load option if you prefer to use a spreadsheet to load data – information on website.
Appropriations NYPINI…clears out anything currently in the next year proposed fields NYPMASS…allows ranges of accounts to be mass updated based on the calculation method chosen NYPMNT…enter next year proposed amounts individually NYPLOAD…upload next year proposed amounts via a spreadsheet file 4 options offered prior to closing FY are; NYPINI – Initialize Next Years Proposed Amounts - Recommend Wipe out amounts any current amounts in NY proposed fields NYPMASS – Mass Change Next Year Proposed Amounts Mass change NYP amounts based on % of expendables or expenditures NYPMNT – Next Years Proposed Maintenance Screen Enter next years proposed amounts individually NYPLOAD – upload nyp amounts via a spreadsheet file Handout on web outlines how to use the NYP and IABLOAD option Can create your own spreadsheet using safari and add proposed amount upload to LEECA and use NYPLOAD to import or Use BUDWRK or REVWORK and create a csv file Use file transfer to download file to your pc, add nyp amounts, Upload into LEECA and import using NYPLOAD
Accounts Payable Tracking Provides ability to track items received this fiscal year but not paid for until after July 1 in the next fiscal year The track accounts payable flag in USASDAT/USACON should be set to “Y” if you are using APE Enter “Received Date” when invoicing Will default to invoice date if not entered PAYABL report is usually run during the month of August For Accounts Payable, you will need to track items received this fiscal year, but paid for after July 1 ~ It is important to be accurate in entering your received date, in order for the PAYABL report to be accurate. Set your accounts payable flag to Y in USASDAT/USACON if you are using Ape. Anyone still using this…? During July and Aug be sure to enter the correct received or invoice date when processing invoices to track your payables. The PAYABLE report is usually run during the month of August. 24
Accounts Payable Tracking in USASWeb If you do your invoicing using USASWeb, the received date field is always displayed and does not look at the USAS Flag. If a received date is not entered, it will default to the invoice date in the header section. Again - be sure the correct date is being displayed. If your received date is different from the invoice date, you will need to make the change in the first line item, then click on the clipboard to paste this date to all other items.
Month-End Closing
Month-End Closing Follow the normal process for closing out the month Enter all current month transactions Autopost all FY19 batch files Reconcile USAS with bank and generate Cash Reconciliation in USAEMSEDT (required for June) BALCHK totals should be in balance for Rev & Exp Encumbered amounts should balance with PODETL FINSUMM and FINDET totals should be identical Cash Reconciliation should balance with FINSUMM SM12 will generate automatically during adjust (if you make manual changes please recalculate prior to running ADJUST) proceed with the normal month end closing for June. Enter all transactions for current month, AUTOPOST all current month files Reconcile bank statements Generate Cash reconciliation using USAEMSEDT, Option 1 – required for June Totals should balance with the fund total reported on the FINSUMM Generate BALCHK and check all expenditure and revenue lines to be sure they all agree Compare encumbered totals from BALCHK and PODETL – should be the same If amounts are not the same, running fixenc usually gets them back in balance. Regenerate BALCHK if still not in agreement, give us a call Run FINSUMM and answer Yes to generate a matching FINDET – compare totals – should be the same These reports pull their totals from 2 different areas one is from the account files and the other from the transaction files. SM12 routine generates during adjust, but if you need those figures beforehand, run the SM12 Option to calculate for June. Manually calculating the SM12 sets a flag indicating to Adjust that the SM12 has already been calculated. So if you manually calculate the SM12 prior to adjust, then make changes, you need to recalculate so that the correct reports are placed on the web.
Month-End Closing Generate/print and/or archive any month-end customized reports you may need. Generate a standard set of reports during adjust. Includes Reports listed on Page 4 of the closing checklist MONTHLYCD CAN BE USED Generate any customized month end reports your district uses MONTHLY & FISCAL CD web reports will generate a set of standard reports during adjust which includes all recommended reports EFM reports will also be included. If you have customized reports you will need to print/archive them as these will not be included on the web reports
Fiscal Year-End Closing Getting closer!
Fiscal Year End - USAEMSEDT *** Main Menu *** ***Run the report option in each feature to verify current data*** 1 - Cash Reconciliation 2 - Federal Assistance Programs - Summary 3 - Federal Assistance Programs - Detail 4 - Civil Proceedings 5 - Exit Program ***System Manager Only*** 6 - Change flags Enter option < 5>: _ Complete all four options of USAEMSEDT You must go into each option even if there is no data to entered Cash Reconciliation will error even if you are off by $1.00 Each data entry option has the ability to generate a report which will shows data carried over from prior year 30
Option 1 - Cash Reconciliation Enter all Bank and ending balances Enter any deposits in transit Enter outstanding checks Enter any adjusting entries List investments Bonds & notes CD’s Securities Other investments List cash on hand (ex: petty cash) Output file = CSHREC.TXT Option 1 Cash Reconciliation – Data is generally entered into this option each month as part of the month-end closing process. It is required at fiscal yearend even if the you didn’t enter data every month. Information entered consists of: All bank ending balances Deposits in transit Outstanding checks total Adjusting entries Investment information and petty cash amounts. The report created is: CSHREC.TXT 31
Option 1 - Cash Reconciliation Figures entered must balance with the Current Fund Balance as reported on the FINSUMM Not in balance if the following is displayed when exiting option 1 USAEMS will generate ERROR if not in balance Total entered in option 1 Total on the account file If the total amount entered in Option 1 does not balance with the current fund balance, these 2 figures will be displayed at the top of the screen upon exiting. This error notification was added to USAEMS to check these balances So, if the cash reconciliation is not in balance with the current fund balance, USAEMS will not complete. 32
Option 2 – Summary Federal Assistance Programs FEDSUM.TXT Federal Assistance Summary Asks the following information: Source Document – FINSUMM for federal funds only, plus any other federal assistance received 2019 Important 750,000 Option 2 - Summary Federal Assistance Program. You will specify here whether you have received more or less than $500,000 in Federal Expenditures 33
Option 3 – Detail Federal Assistance Programs FEDDET.TXT ***Run the report option in each feature to verify current data*** Contains an initialization option Deletes prior year information for 5xx funds Creates new records based on current year figures found on the account file for 5xx funds CFDA # for each record created will need to be entered Records for any funds other than 5xx will also need to be manually entered or updated. Such as 006 FEDDET Running this will delete your FY16 5XX fund information and create the appropriate records based on FY17 figures Records for any other funds need to be manually update. You must have a CFDA number for each record {Catalog of Fed Domestic Assistance}
Option 3 – Detail Federal Assistance Programs Suggested Source Documents ODE Web site summary report of amount of Federal Contributions received from ODE CFDA #’s are listed in the AOS USAS Manual on the AOS Website. Also a link on the Connect Fiscal home page under Useful Resources Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Option 3 is the detail that goes along with option 2. It lists every fund that you have received federal funds for during the fiscal year. You have the option of editing last years information or using the initialization option. The CFDA number is deleted in the initialization option so it a good idea to print a report of last years data prior to running it . CFDA #’s are also listed on a printout available from the ODE website and also in the AOS USAS Manual The init option will first go through deleting anything from the prior year that is for a 5xx fund. Then it creates a new record for any nonzero 500 fund that it finds for the current year. If the district has federal aid in a non 5xx fund, these will need to be manually entered or deleted. These records are not removed by the initialize option if they were there the prior year. This option also adds advances and repayments as revenue or expense to the funds. These totals will need to be subtracted from the amounts on this option. 35
Option 4 – Civil Proceedings CVLPRC.TXT Enter data for any law suits during reporting period Must Go into Option 4 Even if your district has NO Civil Proceedings If the district has any law suits they are involved with as either a plaintiff or defendant during the reporting period, the information should be disclosed through option 4. . 36
USAEMS Extracts data from the USAEMSEDT and USAEMSDB programs and stores it in a flat-file layout that can be loaded into EMIS- R Will check that all necessary funds are coded with a valid EMIS Fund Category Checks that Cash Reconciliation balances Output data will be stored on a USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ file
Fiscal Year End - USAEMS Once USAEMSEDT and USAEMSDB data is entered and verified, run USAEMS USAEMS must be run BEFORE you run ADJUST USAEMS collects the data ODE will receive Email when routine is completed Wait for verification from Connect before continuing Don’t forget – you will need to FTP (use USASEMS_FTP) the USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ file into the EMIS-R Data Collector (see EMISR Data Collector handout) After all data entered into USAEMSEDT - Run USAEMS. USAEMS extracts the necessary information for your financial reporting to ODE and puts it into the EMIS file format. Answer N to the question “Are you extracting for a Data Acquisition Site or ITC. This must be run before you adjust. EMAIL when you have completed USAEMS Routine Wait for verification before continuing. This is the file which will need to be uploaded into the Data Collector
USAEMS USAEMS - Extract financial data into EMIS-R detail file format. Are you extracting for an Information Technology Center? (Y,N,?) <N> _ District IRN: 999999 District Name: SAMPLEVILLE SCHOOLS Is this correct? (Y,N,?) <Y> _ Enter Fiscal Year: <2019> ____ Continue, Re-enter, or Exit? (C,R,E,?) <C> _ Processing, please wait! Full output file is USAEMS.SEQ Partial output file is USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ Processing Completed! This is what the USAEMS program will look like. Read
USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ Partial output file that includes: Cash Reconciliation Federal Assistance Summary and Detail Civil Proceedings District and Building Profile Information Will exclude the account and operational unit records. Must be uploaded into the Data Collector to be used along with the USAS SIF Agent for EMIS-R collections. USAS SIF agent pulls the following from LIVE USAS data: Cash, Expenditure, Revenue Accounts Account data will be pulled either from the current year data or from account history data depending on the timing of when the EMIS-R data collection is run. Operational Units
USAEMS.SEQ Full file containing all record types needed for EMIS-R reporting (except capital assets). Districts should not be uploading USAEMS.SEQ file. Instead, they should be uploading the partial file (USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ). Then when collecting the data, they will select the “financial” data source along with the USAS SIF Agent.
Financial Reporting Special Notes: Districts should NOT upload USAEMS.SEQ file. They only need to upload the USAEMS_EMISR.SEQ file along with their capital asset file in the “financial” data source via the Data Collector When they are ready to run a collection, they will select the USAS SIF agent and the “financial” data source. There is an “EMIS Reporting Year” flag in USASDAT/USACON that tells the SIF if it should pull account information from the history records or the current account file Connect strongly recommends districts hold off making any updates to their OPUs, accounts (i.e. ACTCHG/FNDCHG) or deleting accounts in FY20 until AFTER they have completed their EMIS-R reporting for FY19 Period H.
Fiscal Year End Generate/print and/or archive any year-end customized reports you may need Suggest running SRTCMP and/or WORKCOMP Notify to have your SRTCMP or WORKCOMP placed on web Generate/print any needed GAAP reports Reports can be created in archives if needed East/Valley View Fiscal_Sel West/Elyria History MONTHLY CD and FISCAL CD will generate a standard set of reports during adjust Adjust processing begins on page 5 of checklist If you have any other FYE custom reports that need to be generated, you would need to do this at this time. Generate your SRTCMP if you will be using that report. Remember that it now requires data input so we cannot automatically post to the web. Notify us if you have run SRTCMP and would like Ken/Curt to add it to the Web Reports. This is also a good time to generate/print any GAAP reports that you may need. Monthly CD and FISCAL CD will generate the set of standard reports. Also a reminder that if you use CASNET services you will want to archive your files.
Run ADJUST twice ADJUST PROCESSING Before you run ADJUST No other programs should be running (even payroll) and all users should be logged off the system or at a menu prompt Payroll must be closed first – do NOT proceed unless payroll is closed Do not run in background Display users in USAS and USASWeb Myusers East/Valley View Checkusers West/Elyria Run ADJUST twice Month Ending June Year End(choose F for fiscal year) Before you run adjust: Make sure all of your users are at a menu prompt – no other programs should be running Do Not want to run in the background Adjust will need to be run twice – once for Month End and Once for Fiscal Year End. Adjust will zero out all of your month and year to date figures and pull in any NYP amounts.
ADJUST Run ADJUST selecting month-end option Run ADJUST again selecting Year-end and Fiscal options Email to CONFIRM you have a good backup Now ready to begin processing for July You will be running adjust twice Once for Month end Then for Year End/Fiscal
Post-Closing Procedures
Accounts Receivable Unique identifier in Receipt description line 2 place identifier Can use xx or 19 or district choice (xxJune FY19 reimbursement) RCPTSEL report to identify potential Accounts Receivable Useful in GAAP reporting
Period H Data By now you should have uploaded your USAEMS_EMISR.seq file into the Data Collector (using USAEMS_FTP) Run through the Data Collection Process to Upload File Collect and Prepare Data Review Error Reports and Data Certify and Submit Refer to handout on EMIS-R
Capital Assets Compile your capital assets information EIS DISTRICTS Follow the “EIS Closing Procedures” handout through running EISEMS and uploading the data into EMIS-R NON-EIS DISTRICTS Enter your capital asset information into EMIS-FFE and upload file into EMIS-R For details see EMISR Overview handout Must be to ODE before 19H period closes Currently period dates – 6/3/19 – 8/30/19 with a second period for EIS/Inventory– 9/3/19 – 9/27/19 (Keep in mind, if you inventory completed you may send it during the first opening of Period H) Compile your Capital Asset Information For EIS Districts you will following the EIS Closing Procedures Non-EIS Districts will need to enter their information into EMIS-FFEE and upload file into EMISR. Will let you know of the exact date this needs to be completed by.
Not using EIS? For districts who DO NOT use EIS for their capital assets, information will be entered into EMISFFE (EMIS Flat File Editor) Please refer to the “Capital Asset Reporting for Non-EIS Districts” information Procedure Contact to establish a account (if you do not already have one) Add new capital assets records Export your data file and upload into the Data Collection Process and Submit for EMIS
WEB-GAAP Conversion Web-GAAP for GAAP reporting: Run USAEXP/GAAP_EXP option to create necessary files Can be run either before or after closing out Creates file (GAAPEXP.TXT) to be uploaded into Web-GAAP Emails GAAPEXP.TXT to specified email address for uploading into Web-GAAP Email GAAP Auditors Email Treasurer The Web-GAAP file is needed to create the Cash Legacy Reports and also for your GAAP Auditors. Run GAAP_EXP in the USAEXP menu. This option can be run at any time and will create the file necessary for uploading into the Web-GAAP It also will email the file to your accountants who are usually the ones to load this information.
Access to Web-GAAP Notify to set up district or auditor access Access now assigned by FISCAL YEAR Update (9 month) or Read-Only Access Auditor must currently have AOS account for us to assign access to your district files. If auditor does not currently have an account: AOS staff will need to contact AOS Independent Auditor – Notify Connect to have SSDT create an account Web-Gaap Access outlines detailed instructions on requesting access for you or your auditors to the Web Gaap. Read Feel free to contact us if you have questions.
WEB – GAAP Cash Legacy Reports Legacy Cash Reports Run USAEXP Data Export and load into Web-GAAP To create reports reference Legacy Reports on Connect’s Fiscal Page Legacy Cash Reports are available in WEBGAAP which are similar to many of the 4502 exhibits/statements. Basic procedures are You will need a GAAP account if you do not have one notify LEECA Follow the legacy reports handout on our website and print the additional instruction on GAAPWIKI Export your data into WebGAAP Roll funds/scc’s up to fund level Print or view desired reports. 54
WEBGAAP OHCONNECT.ORG GAAP URL GAAP Wiki hp?title=Main_page GAAP URL https://gasb34sys.auditor.state. GAAP Wiki http://gaapwiki.oecn.k12.oh. us/index.php?title=Main_Pa ge
OTHER PROCESSING OPTIONS Run USACERT/CERTBAL (optional) to obtain a certificate of unencumbered balances Once you are adjusted and in the next processing year you may want to run CERTBAL in the USACERT menu to obtain a certificate of unencumbered balances
Inventory (EIS) Fiscal Year-End Closing
EIS Fiscal Year End Closing Finish all current year processing. Items received on or prior to June 30th should be added to EIS for FY2019 Any items received after June 30th can continue to be added to the EIS pending file for FY2020. Districts with a life limit specified for capitalization criteria may want to run an EIS304 Brief Asset listing to verify items meeting the dollar capitalization criteria also have a valid Life Limit. Page 8 lists the FY Closing procedures for Inventory – Remember that the EMIS Capital Asset info is due for Period H – we will let you know when it is due as soon as ODE releases that info. EISEMS will need to be run prior to EISCLS. Add all items received prior to July 1 to the system.
EIS Fiscal Year End Closing When all items have been entered, run the recommended list of reports (this includes all necessary GAAP schedules). Suggested reports list: EIS GAAP Report Document on Connect Fiscal page Once Items have been entered, generate your GAAP and NonGaap reports – those listed on pages 42 & 43 are the ones SSDT recommends that you run. Make sure to check the EIS104 report to verify that the column totals on the detail match the totals on the summary report. And that the ending depreciation on the summary match the total accumulated on the EIS305 – book value report. Reports should then be either printed or archived. Remember the are Inventory Reports are now generated out on the Web. This will create a standard set of inventory reports (includes all the reports listed on page 8 & 9. The reports are not currently added to the Fiscal CD, but SSDT plans to include them for next year
Capital Asset Reporting Capital Asset Reporting will open 9/3/19 – 9/27/19 May submit with first Period of H (closes 8/30/19) EISEMS will need to be run prior to EISCLS Inventory does not need to be completed/closed prior to FYE Print or save files as PDF (save on your PC or in central area) You are now ready to process your Capital Asset Reporting through EIS Be prepared to have data submitted by the end of July. Run EISEMS projection option first, Treasurer may need to complete this if user does not have priviledges, or Treasuer can email financial to give their inventory user EMIS priv’s. View the resulting reports, then run the Actual Option. Type in EIS_EMIS to load the file, then view the resulting reports for errors. If error free, the resulting EISEMS.seq file need to be upload and submitted in EMISR for Period H submission. There is a capital asset review in our FYE web documention for details of what is to be reported. e handout on page 54
EIS Fiscal Year End Closing Run closing program EISCLS Updates life to date depreciation for FY being closed Copies files to history Updates FY closed file on the EISMNT/DATSCN Updates beginning bal for new FY and creates a report of beginning balances by fund, function and asset class Run EISCLS. The Close program updates life to date depreciation for fy being closed Copies your files to history Updates the FY closed filed on the EISMNT/DATSCN Updates the beg bal for new FY and generates report of beginning balances by fund, function and asset class I mention previsously that we now have the Inventory CD program which creates a standard set of Inventory reports that post to the when you close. If you cannot access these reports, let us know and Ken will set you up with access. Page 45 through 47 are informational and lists some GAAP report documentation we thought might be helpful Explains some of the reports and what type of information it provides
Questions? Thank you! . 62