Co2mmunity There is but one Baltic – and it needs your energy! Geographisches Institut Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 9 24098 Kiel Germany Sustainable. Community. Energy. Visit out project homepage Co2mmunity We connect citizens to jointly develop renewable energy projects in the Baltic Sea Region Pictures by Sabrina Klotchkova (front) and Molgreen (above) available online on
What its all about Our team What we do Contact us Together, citizens can co-finance, co-develop, and co-operate renewable energy projects. These can provide electricity, heat and fuel or infrastructure, like local heating networks. Creating a project needs finances, communication, transparent decision-making, and support from experts, but then local benefits can be substantial. Community energy projects are highly promising for increasing the share of renewable energy in the Baltic Sea Region and for communities to become sustainable and independent. The Co2mmunity team are from 15 partner organisations from 8 countries around the Baltic Sea. We bring together local energy agencies, municipalities and universities. Co2mmunity in a Nutshell Aim: Support citizens to co-finance, co- develop, and co-operate sustainable energy projects. Budget: € 3.15 million, thereof € 2.45 million from the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Project period: Oct 2017 to Sep 2020 What we do Contact us Co2mmunity initiates and manages renewable energy cooperative partnerships in each partner country. Co2mmunity supports municipalities, energy planers, local energy agencies, political decision-makers and citizens’ associations at facilitating CE projects. Co2mmunity develops locally specific CE handbooks and white papers for public stakeholders. Co2mmunity creates a community energy knowledge base. Name Organisation /Title Phone Number Core to our approach are renewable energy cooperative partnerships that locally initiate and support community energy projects in the Baltic Sea Region. Robert Hassink Project Lead Contact +49 431 880-2438