RAFFLE TICKET SALE Incentives FaNTASTIC FOOD FRIDAYS for Students & Staff Student/Staff/Family RAFFLE TICKET SALE INCENTIVES for tickets sold through November 5, 2011 Jeans Week! Students or staff selling 4 BOOKS of Raffle Tickets (24 tickets)... will be entitled to wear Blue Jeans with a SJCA spirit shirt from December 12 through December 16, Free Tuition DOLLARS Raffle! Any family selling 4 BOOKS of Raffle Tickets (24 tickets)... will be entered in the Free Tuition Dollars Raffle, which has a value of $3500 towards SJCA tuition. Raffle will be held the night of the SJCA Annual Benefit Auction. Prize awarded is not cash, but dollars applied towards tuition for the or school year. Meal for your Family! Any family selling 5 BOOKS of Raffle Tickets (30 tickets)... will enjoy a homemade dinner served to their immediate family. Dinner will be held at SJCA Upper Campus Cafeteria in August CLASSROOM TREATS! An early morning AM treat of homemade cinnamon rolls and milk and juice will be served to the top three PACE homerooms that have the highest percentage of raffle ticket sales of any PACE homeroom. SCHOOL DAY OFF Extra School Day Off on Wednesday, November 23 rd if the school makes the goal of selling 1,500 Pick Your Passion Raffle Books. START YOUR THANKSGIVING VACATION EARLY! LANCER CAFE RAFFLE INCENTIVES! Special treats will be enjoyed during lunch on specific Fridays from the start of school until the week of the Auction. Any student/staff who sells the appropriate number of Pick Your Passion Raffle Tickets qualifies. See box at right side of page. Upper Campus Incentives For 2011 Pick Your Passion Raffle Ticket Sales Treat Date: Student/Staff will enjoy:Student/Staff must sell and turn in: Sept. 2 HOMEMADE DESSERTS TWO (2) Pick Your Passion tickets by Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Sept. 9 PRETZEL with CHEESE THREE (3) Pick Your Passion tickets by Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Sept. 16 ROOTBEER FLOAT FOUR (4) Pick Your Passion tickets by Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Sept. 30 THE SPOT Hamburger, Fries, Rootbeer ONE (1) BOOK Pick Your Passion tickets (6 tickets) by Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Oct. 14 COLD STONE CREAMERY Cold Stone Creamery Cupcake TWO (2) BOOKS Pick Your Passion tickets (12 tickets) by Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Oct. 21 DeRANGOs PIZZA THREE (3) BOOKS of Pick Your Passion (18 tickets) by Wednesday, October 19, 2011 Oct. 28 KFC Special KFC Lunch FOUR (4) Books of Pick Your Passion (24 tickets) by Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Ticket sales are cumulative. For example, a student/staff selling one book of tickets (6 single tickets) the first week of school would be eligible for Lancer Cafe Incentive treats on 9/2, 9/9, 9/16, and 9/30. Please contact the Development Office with questions at (262) ext At the upper campus, tickets must be turned in to the Development Office Room 112 SCHOOL DAY OFF! Extra School Day Off Wednesday, November 23rd if the school goal of selling 1,500 books is met. Start your Thanksgiving VACATION early!!