Background colors should be country’s colors (all slides) Title Slide Include on this slide: The country’s flag Your name(s) Background colors should be country’s colors (all slides)
Geography and Location Use this slide to tell us where in the world your country is located (what continent and what part of the continent – use directional words) Describe the country’s landforms and geography – does it have plains, deserts, hills, mountains, sea line Include a picture of a map of your country and some of its major physical landmarks
Population Give the Population for your country
Weather Use this slide to tell us about the weather patterns in your country If your country has a wet/dry season, include that information If your country is known for specific types of storms or natural disasters (tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.), include that information
Capital and major cities Use this slide to tell the names of the capital and major cities in your country Include the relative location of the city (It is in the Southwest part of the country) Include the population for the city
Government Use this slide to tell about the government of this country What system of government do they have Who are the people in charge
Education Use this slide to explain what schools are like in this country About how many people in your country can read About how many people in your country completed high school
Industry/Economy Use this slide to explain what the people of your country do for money/work
Language What is/are the main language(s) spoken in your country
Religion Use this slide to explain the main religion(s) in your country
Food Use this slide to explain the food your country is known for eating or dishes that are famous for your country
Clothing Use this slide to explain what is typically worn in your country
Sports and Recreation Use this slide to explain what people do for fun in your country Tell if there are any popular sports in your country Tell if there are other activities that are popular in your country (dancing, art, etc.)
Landmarks Use this slide to describe any landmarks in your country
Resources Use this slide to list the websites you used for your project