Godley Station School Heather Gillespie – Middle School COunselor High School 101 Godley Station School Heather Gillespie – Middle School COunselor
We Will Cover… What grade 8 students have been doing to prepare for High School transition. What is an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP)? What do students need to do to graduate from High School? What is dual enrollment / HOPE What is the difference between an AP and dual enrollment class and how can they benefit my child
When We Leave… Parents will have an understanding of what students need to do to graduate. Parents will have reviewed the Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). Parents will have reviewed High School Pre- Registration form to see what classes teachers have recommended and what electives their children have chosen Parents will have received information about HOPE and dual enrollment
Individual Graduation Plans Created using GCIS in powerschool account Follows them to high school Just for visualization - Not your student’s actual schedule! An online document that will be amended with their high school advisors as student enrolls and completes high school classes / credits
How do I get a HS diploma? Students need 24 units of credit to graduate. Credits need to be earned in specific subject areas. Students are required to complete 20 hours of community service by the completion of junior year (the 11th grade).
Graduation Requirements Required Areas of Study Units Required English/Language Arts 4 Mathematics Science Social Studies 3 Health and Physical Education 1 World Language 2 College Pathway (3-4 preferred) OR 1 CTAE Pathway (2 preferred) CTAE (Career Technical Agricultural Education) 4 CTAE Pathway only Electives 6 College Prep Pathway Students OR 3 CTAE Pathway Students Total Minimum Units 24
Core Academic Courses CORE English Science Social Studies World Languages Math Core Academic Courses 7
English 9th Literature & Composition 10th Literature & Composition 11th American Literature & Composition 12th grade British Literature & Composition *Honors, AP, IB, or dual enrollment course equivalents may be used 8
Math OR 9th - Algebra I 10th - Geometry 11th –Algebra II Mathematics 9th - Algebra I 10th - Geometry 11th –Algebra II 12th –Pre-Calculus or Approved 4th Option OR 9th - Accelerated Algebra/ Geometry A 10th - Accelerated Geometry B/ Algebra II 11th - Accelerated Pre-Calculus 12th - AP Calculus, AP Statistics, Advanced level Mathematics course or Approved 4th Option 9
SCIENCE Biology Physical Science or physics Environmental Science, Chemistry, or another GA DOE approved Science 4th GA DOE approved Science (ex. Anatomy, Oceanography) *Honors, AP, IB, or dual enrollment course equivalents may be used 10
Social Studies World History American Government United States History Economics *Honors, AP, IB, or dual enrollment course equivalents may be used 11
World Language College Pathway 2 units required (of the same language) 3-4 recommended CTAE sequence 1 unit required 2 units recommended * While the GA Department of Education no longer requires students to complete two units of foreign language for high school graduation, the University System of GA does require the completion of two years of the same foreign language.
What is CTAE Career Technical Agricultural Education Career Pathways made up of a sequence of classes in a particular career area. These classes assist students in gaining: Knowledge in a particular career area Hands on job experience through work study opportunities Opportunities for real world work certifications Different pathway options offered at each high school
Allied Health & Medicine Business & Technology Entrepreneurship BEACH Allied Health & Medicine Business & Technology Entrepreneurship JROTC – Army Marketing & Management Sports Medicine GROVES Distribution and Logistics Financial Services-Accounting Interior, Fashion, and Textiles Nutrition and Food Science ISLANDS Companion Animal Systems Horticulture and Animal Systems Veterinary Science JENKINS Computer Science Electronics Energy and Power Engineering and Technology Engineering Drafting and Design Human Resources Management JROTC – Navy Programming Sports and Entertainment Marketing JOHNSON Web & Digital Design SAVANNAH HIGH Barbering Culinary Arts Criminal Investigations Cybersecurity Engineering, Drafting and Design Financial Literacy Game Design Forensic Science Law Enforcement Services Nails Sports & Entertainment Marketing NEW HAMPSTEAD Audio-Video Technology & Film JROTC – Air Force SAVANNAH ARTS *CHOICE Application Only Graphic Design WINDSOR FOREST Agriscience Systems Carpentry Early Childhood Care and Education WOODVILLE TOMPKINS *CHOICE Application Only OR 10th grade start from home high school Accounting Automobile Maintenance & Light Repair Automobile Collision Repair Business and Technology Cosmetology Culinary Arts Financial Services Fire & Emergency Services - Firefighting Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism Manufacturing Teaching as a Profession Therapeutic Services – Patient Care Web and Digital Design Welding Flight Operations (10th Grade) Early Childhood Care and Education (10th Grade) EARLY COLLEGE Online Pathway Marketing & Management – available through Edmodo
Additional Courses Health (.5) Personal Fitness (.5) Electives and CTAE pathways to add to a minimum of 24 total units
GMAS Testing GMAS exams counts as 20% of a student’s final grade in an EOC course. English 9 – Literature/Composition English 11 –American Literature GSE Algebra 1 GSE Geometry Biology Physical Science United States History Economics 16
Community Service Students are required to do a minimum of 20 hours of Community Service at a non profit organization of their choosing, by the end of the 11th grade year. Community Service logs are available in the Counseling Office at the high school. Must be submitted to Advisors or Counselors and include a 3 paragraph essay outlining their experience. May begin as early as the summer before 9th grade
Find more information about these programs at What is HOPE? State funded merit based scholarship Covers the cost of tuition at eligible public and private Georgia postsecondary institutions. minimum overall 3.0 HOPE GPA Must earn four full credits from classes which meet rigor requirements Rigor usually means a course that is AP, IB or Dual enrollment Hope Grant is program for technical diploma or certificate covers specific career areas for which there are more openings than qualified employees in GA. Find more information about these programs at GAFUTURES.ORG
What is an AP Class? AP stands for advanced placement. very rigorous HIGH SCHOOL courses for motivated students. Students could receive high school credit for the course. AP Exam with passing score could result in college credit (depending on what scores the college accepts for credit) 35 courses in 22 subject areas
What is a Dual Enrollment Class? A dual enrollment class is a college class taken for BOTH high school and college credit Most costs of dual enrollment are covered by the state for up to 15 hours per term. This program was formerly known as MOWR.
Important upcoming Dates Rising Freshman Night at NHHS April 4 6- 7pm Registration for Choice School Programs CLOSES on April 12 8th Grade Bridging Ceremony – Thursday, May 16
Summary We have reviewed high school requirements. We have reviewed what students have been doing to prepare for those requirements. Folder instructions / example We need you to review and sign your child’s IGP and course registration forms before leaving
Any Questions?? Next step: Please proceed to your child’s homeroom class. If you do not know the name of your child’s homeroom teacher, please see Ms Gillespie