Military Service Credit INDIANAPOLIS PAYROLL OFFICE 2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Military Service Credit Topics What is a Military Service Deposit Estimated Earnings Military Service Deposit Process 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
What is a Military Service Deposit Integrity - Service - Innovation 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
What is a Military Service Deposit Overview If an employee serves or previously served in the military and now holds a civilian position, their military service time may apply towards civil service retirement Military service time must be bought back to apply towards civil service retirement For Military Service Credit deposits that do not cause a break in Civilian service the amount to buy back the military time is 3% of military earnings (with the exception of years 1999-2000 which have a slightly higher percentage rate) Interest will accrue on the total amount due each year starting on the 3rd year covered by a retirement system 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
What is a Military Service Deposit Types of Military Service eligible for buy back Non-retired military Active duty performed under title 10 which terminated under honorable conditions Graduates from Military Service Academies can buy back academy time Retired Military – with a waiver of Military Retired Pay Reserves/National Guard even if they qualify for a military retirement under provisions of 10 U.S.C. 12731-12739 Civilian Employees activated by Reserves or National Guard causing a break in Civilian Service Military Service must have been performed after 12/31/1956 Peace Corps Public Health service 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
What is a Military Service Deposit Types of Military Service NOT eligible for buy back Dishonorable Discharge Clemency Discharge Neutral or Uncharacterized Discharge Officer Dismissal 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
What is a Military Service Deposit Steps of the process Where to start Civilian Human Resources office or consolidated benefits office can inform the employee of the benefits as well as what is required to start the process Obtain Estimated Earnings Army & Air Force requests are processed by Indianapolis Payroll Navy requests are processed by Cleveland MPO Provide HR with all associated Documentation Estimated Earnings DD 214 HR submits completed Military Service deposit application to PRO PRO establishes in DCPS and mails letter Employee pays prior to separation 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Estimated Earnings 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Estimated Earnings What is Required? RI 20-97 Documentation supporting timeframes requested on RI 20-97 Acceptable Documentation DD 214 Service records can be requested online via or by mailing a SF 180 to National Personnel Records Center (Military Personnel Records) 1 Archives Drive St. Louis, MO 63138-1002 Documentation other than DD 214 may be acceptable if certain information is provided on documentation Must have service start and stop dates State military rank escalation during timeframe List any lost time Type of discharge (Character of Service) Military Academy Academic Record of Classes (Transcript) Memo from Academy certifying time (Dean or Registrar) 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Estimated Earnings Common Errors Bad or no address listed on RI 20-97 Documents are not legible Incorrect documentation is submitted How to Submit Remedy via the ‘Estimated Earnings’ ticket title Imaging Fax coversheet Select ESTIMATED EARNINGS work type Utilizing coversheet expedites processing time Fax to 866-401-5849 Please inform employees with submitted requests to wait 45 business days prior to checking status with the phone team 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Estimated Earnings Army and Air Force DFAS-Indianapolis Center Civilian Pay Operations ATTN: Estimated Earnings 8899 East 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46249-0875 Phone 800-729-3277 Fax: 866-401-5849 Navy and Marine Corps DFAS-Cleveland Center ATTN: DFAS-CL/JFLA 1240 East 9th Street Cleveland, OH 44199-2005 Phone: 1-888-332-7411 Fax: (216) 367-3587 Email: CCL-CATCH-62@DFAS.MIL National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA Commissioned Personnel Center 1315 East-West Highway Rm. 12100 Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 Coast Guard Pay and Personnel Center 444 SE Quincy Street Topeka, KS 66683-3591 Phone: 866-772-8724 or (785) 339-2200 Fax: (785) 339-3784 Email: Public Health Service U.S. Public Health Service Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness Commissioned Corps Compensation 1101 Wootton Parkway, Plaza Level, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: 240-276-8799 Fax: 240-276-8817 E-Mail: For more information visit 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation DD 214 Requests Air Force Personnel Center HQ AFPC/DPSIRP 550 C Street West, Suite 19 Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4721 Air Reserve Personnel Center Records Management Branch (DPTSC) 18420 E. Silver Creek Avenue Building 390 MS 68 Buckley AFB, CO 80011 Commander, Personnel Service Center (BOPS-C-MR) MS7200 US Coast Guard 2703 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE Washington, DC 20593-7200 email: Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps Manpower Management Records & Performance (MMRP-10) 2008 Elliot Road Quantico, VA 22134-5030 Marine Forces Reserve 2000 Opelousas Avenue New Orleans, LA 70146-5400 National Personnel Records Center (Military Personnel Records) 1 Archives Drive St. Louis, MO 63138-1002 National Archives & Records Administration Research Services (RDT1R) 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20408-0001 US Army Human Resources Command’s web page: or 1-888-ARMYHRC (1-888-276-9472) Air Force Personnel Center HQ AFPC/DPSIRP 550 C Street West, Suite 19 Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4721 Navy Medicine Records Activity (NMRA) BUMED Detachment St. Louis 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, Building 103 St. Louis, MO 63120 Navy Personnel Command (PERS-313) 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-3120 Division of Commissioned Corps Officer Support (PHS) ATTN: Records Officer 1101 Wooton Parkway, Plaza Level, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20852 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Military Service Deposits Integrity - Service - Innovation 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Military Service Deposit Process Topics Military Deposit Applications Required Forms Submitting Forms After the Military Service Deposit is set up in DCPS Payment Options MSD Transfers Paid in Full Letters 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Military Service Deposit (MSD) Military Service Deposits are for currently employed employees who have served in the Military and want to buy back their Military time towards Civilian service. Military Service Deposits are Voluntary. Military Service Deposits are NOT debts. 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation MSD – Facts to Know Interest Accrual Date (IAD) Interest starts accruing on the third year after first coverage by a Federal retirement system Office of Personnel Management (OPM) establishes interest rate yearly Amount of Military Deposit Based off of military earnings CSRS 7% 1999 – 7.25% 2000 – 7.4% FERS 3% 1999 – 3.25% 2000 – 3.4% 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Required Forms for MSD Application FERS employees – Federal Employees Retirement System SF3108 - Application to Make Service Credit Payment Complete Estimated Earnings DD 214 MSDR (If applying under USERRA rules) CSRS employees – Civil Service Retirement System SF2803 – Application to Make Deposit or Redeposit 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Submitting MSD Applications Encourage employees who want to buy back Military service time to make requests as soon as possible 30 business day customer expectation for MSD Applications PRO is not able to expedite these due to an employee’s approaching retirement date due to volume Recommend CSR/HR submit MSD for employee AT LEAST six months prior to separation to resolve any discrepancies PRO will inform employee by letter when MSD is established. Letter will include: periods of service total amount due payment options 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation MSD Payment Options Payroll Deductions must be a minimum of $25.00 per pay period. Employee should request in writing (no particular form) and include: Social Security Number Name Amount of deduction per pay period Signature Submitted request via Remedy using the ‘Military Deposit Payment’ title Payroll deductions do not carry over to multiple IAD’s Can establish payroll deduction on multiple IAD’s at same time 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation MSD Payment Options Lump Sum Payment checks must be made payable to ‘DFAS-Cleveland’ Write on the check 'Catch-62 Military Deposit' and Employee’s Social Security Number Include the coupon portion of the MSD letter Mail to the address provided on the information letter The payment posting date will be the date DFAS Cleveland vouchers the payment, not the date the employee dated the check or mailed the check Any interest that accrues between the time the check is mailed and the processing date of the check is the responsibility of the employee 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation MSD Payment Options Pay.Gov Fast, convenient way to make an MSD payment Employee Identification number from MSD letter required Provides receipt of transaction Deposited into DFAS Cleveland’s disbursing account within 24-48 hours Military Service Deposit MUST be paid in full prior to retirement Affects retirement benefit Edit: Military Service Deposits must be paid prior to separation. Please reference title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 831.2104 as well as title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 842.307 (a) (3). (Delete “In some cases OPM will allow…”) 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Search for Military Deposit in search bar 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Select the ‘DFAS Military Service Deposit Payment’ form Should be your first option Form Number: MSD8522 Select Continue to the form 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation This starts process and provides payment options Bank Account (ACH) Amazon account PayPal account Debit or Credit Card Select ‘Continue to the Form’ 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation If employee does not have Employee ID, please contact Civilian Payroll Office for Identification number 1-800-729-3277 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Fill out all required information Minimum $25 payment Remaining screens walk you through finalizing the payment process 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation This is where to find the Employee Identification Number 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Transfer Of MSD (non DCPS) Following is the procedure if neither PRO have access to the prior database (i.e. Homeland Security, Postal Workers, CIA, IRS, and probably others) CSR/HR will need to: Contact employee’s prior PRO Request MSD Information to be accompanied by OPM 1514 Military Deposit Worksheet Ensure appropriate supporting documentation is attached such as Application Estimated Earnings Post 56 Forms 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Transfer Of MSD (DCPS) MSD will transfer between payroll databases through AET process If MSD has not transferred over through AET, please contact PRO using Military Deposit Follow up Remedy ticket title If there is a break in service or a separating NOAC is not entered on the prior payroll database then the AET process will not take place If employee paid their MSD in full before they are serviced by DFAS. DFAS will not be able to provide a paid in full letter to the employee. The employee will need to contact their previous Agency for their paid in full letter or OPM 1514. 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Paid in Full Letters For Lump Sum Payments, a Paid in Full letter is sent immediately upon a zero balance (Note: This currently does not include payroll deductions) CSR/HR must request a Paid in Full letter via Remedy using the Paid in Full Letter ticket title Employee will be mailed the Paid in Full letter upon request Due to volume PRO is unable to accommodate requests to attach to Remedy tickets DCPS SCR is complete, awaiting MyPay programming to post paid in full letters to MyPay Paid in full letter is used by HR to estimate retirement OPM uses the Individual Retirement Record to calculate final retirement 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Law Leave Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Topics we will cover Law Enforcement Leave (LEL) Employee Responsibilities Customer Service Representative (CSR) Responsibility Payroll Office (PRO) Responsibility Contingency and State LEL Debts Calculations Firefighters LEL FEHB Contingency 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Law Enforcement Leave (LEL) Basic Guidelines Effective November 24, 2003, civilian employees called to active duty in support of a contingency operation [as defined in 10 USC §101(a)(13)] are entitled to 22 additional days of military leave each calendar year. Employees are not authorized to retain both Civilian and Military payments for the additional 22 days (or 176 hours) of military leave. 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Law Enforcement Leave (LEL) Basic Guidelines As outlined in 5 USC §5519, military pay received, other than travel, transportation or per diem, must be credited against the pay the individual received from his or her civilian position. Credits should be taken in whole workdays and in continuous pay periods Holidays earned during timeframe are paid in addition to the Law Enforcement Leave Dates 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Employee Responsibilities Employees requesting Law Enforcement Leave must provide to their Customer Service Representative (CSR) Copy of Military Orders Copy of Military Leave and Earnings Statements Must cover the same pay periods where law leave is used Documentation for Entitlements that may include, but are not limited to Family Separation Imminent Danger pay 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Customer Service Representative (CSR) Responsibilities Submit a Remedy Ticket indicating the year the employee is requesting Law Enforcement Leave that includes Dates of Law Enforcement Leave taken Cannot be future dates Must be for a current or prior pay period Completed Form (at bottom of Remedy ticket) showing computed amounts for Military Pay, including but not limited to Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Base Pay Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Entitlements 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Customer Service Representative (CSR) Responsibilities When notified by PRO, the CSR is responsible for correcting online timecards from KG (Military Furlough) to LL (Law Leave) and LH (Leave Holiday) when applicable If offline, CSR will provide corrected certified timecards 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
State Active Duty Law Enforcement Leave Civilian employees activated for a state emergency on orders from the Governor of that state are also be entitled to the additional 22 days of leave from civilian duties each calendar year. When a Civilian employee is called to State Active Duty Timecard is initially coded LL so employee can be paid right away Employee on State Active Duty orders can wait a long time to receive the Military Pay Employee is not entitled to keep both Civilian Pay and Military Pay 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
State Active Duty Law Enforcement Leave CSR must submit a Remedy Ticket requesting collection of overpaid amount which is now a debt. Debt Team collects back the difference by establishing a debt in the Debt Module. 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation State Active Duty CSR submits a Remedy Ticket with required documents attached Military Pay Calculation Sheet Debt Acknowledgement Form signed by employee PRO creates a Debt based on Military Pay amount provided on Military Pay Calculation Sheet If the debt is for current year pay periods, PRO will process an adjustment to correct the employee’s Year to Date pay record PRO will collect the Debt in full on the same pay period per the signed Debt Acknowledgment Form 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Signed Acknowledgement Form If an employee does not sign the Acknowledgement Form, T&A will be changed from LL to LA by the Timekeeper. [Per Par. 7 of ARNG SAD LEL Guidelines] No Action will be required by the PRO Incomplete Acknowledgement Forms will be returned for corrections Employee Signature Required 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
PRO - Processing Offline Law Enforcement Leave If Military Pay is greater than Civilian Pay, no entries are required If Civilian Pay is greater than Military Pay Manually pays the difference through the Manual Pay Adjustment Screen Debt team contacts Pay Processing to restore leave 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
PRO - Processing Offline Law Enforcement Leave If Military Pay is greater than Civilian Pay, no entries are required If Civilian Pay is greater than Military Pay Manually pays the difference through the Manual Pay Adjustment Screen Debt team contacts Pay Processing to restore leave 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Law Enforcement Leave for Firefighters Work Schedule Affects the way the Leave is requested Firefighter schedules do not qualify for paid holidays. Charged a day of leave against the 22-workdays on any holiday that they would have been scheduled to work. 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Law Enforcement Leave for Firefighters Overtime Regularly scheduled overtime is included in the calculation of the difference between Military Pay and Civilian Pay Can use a combination of hours such as LL, LM, or LA in order to meet the minimum number of hours to qualify for overtime pay Not included in the Civilian Pay calculation if the total number of paid hours during the pay period is less than the minimum number of qualifying hours for overtime. Example: A 120 hour regularly scheduled FF only uses 24 hours of LEL and remains in KG (Leave without pay status) for the remainder of the pay period will not have his Overtime computed 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation FEHB Contingency If an employee that was on Title 10 Contingency Orders receives a debt letter for FEHB and the Agency should have been responsible for the payment Corrections need to be processed to employee’s payroll account by the Personnel Office Specific codes need to be interfaced to DCPS for proper accounting COA/COT For offline dates or assistance submit a Remedy ticket Use “FEHB-MILITARY” Title Attach copies of contingency orders or other documentation Attach SF-2809 for cancellation of policy 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation FEHB Contingency Processing technician will work with Debt technician to process corrections and invalidate debt PRO is unable to cancel the FEHB debt without this process 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation QUESTIONS? 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Retirements & Thrift Savings Plan Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Table of Contents Retirements RCC and FERCCA defined Deceased Employees Miscellaneous Retirements Request Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Agency Responsibilities PRO Responsibilities TSP Loans Frequent issues TSP USERRA 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Integrity - Service - Innovation Retirements 6/9/2019 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation Integrity - Service - Innovation 51
Retirement Code Changes/FERCCA Retirement Code Change (RCC) Same Retirement Plan and Different Code No time restriction OR Different Retirement Plan Less than three years Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act (FERCCA) Greater than three years 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation RCC/FERCCA Different types of Retirement plans Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) Social Security System (FICA) CSRS Offset FICA & CSRS Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS) 1986 Federal Employees’ Retirement System – Revised Annuity Employee (FERS-RAE) 2013 Federal Employees’ Retirement System – Further Revised Annuity Employee (FERS-FRAE) 2014-forward 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Retirement Code Changes/FERCCA Retirement Code Change Remedy ticket Requirements All SF-50’s that pertain to the timeframe that the retirement code change is to occur OR One SF-50 stating in block 45 the timeframe that needs to be updated FERCCA Remedy ticket Requirements Block 45 must include statement that FERCCA rules apply to the case. 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation RCC/FERCCA FERCCA statement 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation RCC/FERCCA PRO audits employee records for all years involved and determines any monies owed due to retirement change PRO issues Debt Letters for any monies owed due to a Retirement Code Change or FERCCA Once the retirement code has been changed in DCPS PRO cannot update the employee’s IRR or the year to date record until the debt has been paid in full 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation RCC/FERCCA Employee can submit VRA to payback retirement debts VRA’s relating to retirement debts can be submitted under the Retirements Remedy ticket title OPM guidelines Benefits Administration Letters (BAL) Website: Available from 1995 to current 100 Series-Retirement Policy and Process Issues FERS and CSRS Handbook Website: 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Deceased Employees Any unpaid compensation and Lump sum leave will be paid out once Beneficiary application has been received We do not need to be notified when an employee has passed HR interface of SF-50 is all the notification we need If you have an employee who has passed and HR has yet to flow SF-50 please input an X into the work schedule for the date of death This will ensure a check/EFT does not go out to the employee Ensure the date of death is accurate to mitigate any corrections needed 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Miscellaneous Retirement requests Civilian Retirement Buy Back Employees who separate civilian service and return to a civilian position may buy back previously refunded civilian retirement contributions These requests MUST be processed and paid directly through OPM Payroll deductions are not an option Disability Retirement Approval letters must be mailed to us for processing No need to submit Remedy ticket Civilian Pay Indianapolis- Dept. 6200 8899 E 56th St Indianapolis, IN 46249 – 1900 Denial letters may be submitted through Remedy 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) 6/9/2019 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation Integrity - Service - Innovation 60
Agency Responsibilities DFAS is not the TSP administrator, Agency directly administers TSP program to participants Agency: Determines eligibility and TSP status Processes TSP elections Inputs personal information that is submitted by payroll to TSP Payroll does not have access to employee personnel files Information is maintained in Civilian participant's accounts POC for Employee Inquiries 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation PRO Responsibilities Submits TSP payroll data for Civilian participants Submits corrections to the TSP Assists HR/CSR if data does not transfer correctly Work Payroll/Personnel Invalid Report Payroll/Personnel Recon must be provided 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation TSP Loans TSP Loans are Initiated by employee with TSP Employee must review TSP Loan deductions on LES (WO) Start / Insufficient Missed payments cannot be made up through payroll Employee sends TSP 26 – Loan Payment Coupon to TSP Employee must contact TSP to re-amortize a loan Cannot change biweekly payment amount directly with payroll TSP Loan transfers TSP 19 – Transfer of Information Between Agencies Employee must notify gaining agency Submitted to DFAS by gaining agency (Remedy) 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
TSP - 41 NOTIFICATION TO TSP OF NON-PAY STATUS Must be certified by HR Absent-US and LWOP Employee must indicate whether the non-pay period is for military service or other (nonmilitary), because the regulations are different for each — especially if the participant has a TSP loan: Non-pay due to military service —The IRS allows a TSP loan to be placed on hold for the entire period of non-pay, and the maximum period for repaying the loan is extended Non-pay, nonmilitary —The IRS allows up to one year of missed loan payments. When the one-year period is over, the loan will be re-amortized and loan payments must resume 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Frequent TSP Issues HR flows change/stop contributions into DCPS Contact PRO only if an error occurs HR will provide Personnel Recon reflecting mismatch of DCPDS and DCPS New employees are automatically enrolled into TSP at 3% contribution rate Employees have 90 days from the date of their first contribution of the automatic 3% to opt out Payroll office cannot issue refunds for any request for automatic enrollment refund Mail or FAX Form TSP-25 to TSP for processing 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Frequent TSP Issues Individuals can contact the TSP for TSP statement copies 1-877-968-3778 Opt #3 Have TSP account number and SSN ready and answers for security questions (if applicable) Address and Name changes Must be input into DCPS Individuals with multiple last names, first names, or middle names must be entered without a space or hyphen to prevent reject by TSP DCPS will send the updates on the tape/payroll files Remedy tickets can be submitted for assistance if needed 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Catch Up Contributions TSP CUC (JV) & Roth CUC (JW) Employee must be over or turn 50 during the calendar year Contributions can begin at anytime during the calendar year End of Year Catch Up Contributions NOT retroactive Catch Up Contributions do not continue year to year A new catch-up contribution election is required each calendar year Participants do not receive matching contributions on catch-up contributions contributed to TSP Maximum catch up yearly amount is $6,000 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
If Entering TSP via EBIS Select ‘Transactions’ to Access TSP to View Current Coverage & Make Changes 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
If Entering TSP via EBIS TSP Elections New elections are for Future contributions only New contributions = Traditional TSP ($ or %) + Roth ($ or %) Common error is applying a dollar amount to the percentage Results in TSP deduction for entire check Click ‘Process Transaction’ to complete transaction TSP actions are effective at the end of the pay period 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation TSP Quick Tips LOANS HR/CSR must notify PRO to transfer loan Ensures loan payments are reestablished Submit on TSP-19 via Remedy/Imaging Account has 7 numbers & 1 letter TSP CONTRIBUTIONS Applies to Traditional & Roth Combined to meet deferral limit of $18,500 TSP CATCH UP CONTRIBUTIONS Are not retroactive. Applies to Traditional & Roth Combined to meet deferral limit of $6,000 FORMS Do not send TSP election forms to PRO PRO does not process/retain TSP forms CHANGES Name/Address changes must be entered in DCPS before PRO sends to TSP Contribution changes/stops must be entered in DCPS before PRO sends to TSP Data transfers from DCPS to TSP the same pay period Contact PRO if an error occurs; provide Personnel Recon 2018 DEFERRAL LIMITS TSP - $18,500 TSP Catch Up - $6,000 Combined Deferral - $24,500 Block 12 DD Prior year missed contributions will have year annotation 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation TSP USERRA Employee eligible for 1% agency matching while on LWOP-US DCPS processes online timeframes automatically NOAC 473 – Military LWOP-US NOAC 292 – Return to Duty Employees have opportunity to make up missed contributions on return to civilian pay status Employees have 60 days to determine if they want to make up missed TSP contributions during the period of military service Agency pays Lost Earnings (Breakage) on all Agency contributions for USERRA makeup contributions Matching contributions can be applied to Civilian pay if employee contributed to Military Pay TSP 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Agency Actions Submit a Remedy ticket if employee wishes to make up missed contributions Remedy Ticket Title: USERRA – TSP Required documentation Memo request form to include LWOP-US dates Updated address HRO contact information Payroll Office All SF-50’s for the time period while on LWOP-US Detailed Military Earnings of one of the following: Military Leave and Earnings Statements for full LWOP time frame Copy of Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) screens detailing the TSP breakdown , for each pay period included in LWOP time frame Employee signed statement if did NOT contribute to Military TSP 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
USERRA – Missed Contributions Maximum payback time is 2x the number of missed pay periods PRO processes manually each pay period Missed contributions are applied towards applicable deferral year Will show on Current Year W2 for tax benefit Block 12 DD If employee decides to STOP making missed contributions Decision is irrevocable Monies cannot be refunded If employee decided initially to NOT make up contributions Outside of 60 days 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation USERRA Letter 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Information Thriftline 1-TSP-YOU-FIRST (1-877-968-3778) TSP Forms & Publications TSP email subscription Receive automatic notifications by email for new or updated information 6/9/2019 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation