Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Thursday December 6 DAY 4 Feast of St. Nicholas
Any student who would like to sign up for Indoor Track can stop to see Coach Hahn in the cafeteria during lunch periods on Monday, Wednesday or Friday next week.
Buy your ticket during any lunch period by the windows! Dance Announcements: Reminder that this Friday December 6th is the final day to get your ticket for Oakland's "Frozen in Time" Semi-formal. Buy your ticket during any lunch period by the windows!
Oakland Catholic Presents: “Frozen in Time” Semi-Formal Dance December 13th 2013 Single ticket 20$ couple ticket 30$ 7:00-10:00
Cancer Awareness Club Meeting Thursday, December 12th after school in Ms. Rinkas’ room J303 We will make Christmas Cards for Cancer Patients in the hospital over the holidays Please bring any supplies you can (scissors, paper, glue), but there will also be some provided We will have Christmas music and food !!! ALL ARE WELCOME :)
Attention Cross Country Team Due to the OC Choral Concert, the Cross Country party will be on TUESDAY, December 10, instead of Wednesday, December 11. All team members, please see Mr. Rudolph
Congratulations to Clare McGowan, She will be performing in the Nutcracker Ballet this weekend.
Its that time of year again to Decorate your doors for Christmas Its that time of year again to Decorate your doors for Christmas!! Get together with your homeroom, and your homeroom representative to plan a clever theme for this year's Door decorating competition The winning homeroom will get spirit points!
Start planning your door! Can you out do last years?!?!
Oakland Catholic Acting Club Presents: December 18th & 19th 7:00pm Tickets: $5 Adult $3 Student & Child
MAPS Thanksgiving Service Project
MAPS Thanksgiving Service Project
Oakland Catholic Acting Club Presents: December 18th &19th 7:00 pm Tickets: Adult $5 Student and Child $3