Did you know that the plants most important to agriculture all produce flowers? Every major food crop is a flowering plant. We do not think about the flowers being wheat, apples, corn and beans…but they are!
What are flowers used for?!
Flowers are the most obvious parts of many plants Flowers are the most obvious parts of many plants. In some cases, they are extremely showy. In others, they are not easily seen. Whether they are or not, the purpose of a flower is for a plant to be able to reproduce sexually.
However, most flowers contain the male and female parts all together! Humans However, most flowers contain the male and female parts all together!
A N T O M y F L O W E R
Sepals Leaf-like structures that surround & protect the flower before it blooms.
Colorful part of flower that attracts animals. Petals Colorful part of flower that attracts animals.
Male Reproductive Parts
The male reproductive structures are called STAMEN
Each stamen consists of an anther, which produces pollen. Holding up the anther is the filament.
Female Reproductive Parts
The female reproductive structures are called PISTILS.
The sticky “landing-pad” is the stigma. Its used to catch the pollen. The style is a long tube that pollen travels down. The ovary is where the eggs / ovules are stored. Ovules / eggs turn into seeds once fertilized by pollen.