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Presentation transcript:


Review chapters 1-2 1:6, 10 “Bearing fruit” 1:7 Epaphras 1:9 Filled with the knowledge of His will 1:10; 2:9 All the fullness dwells in Him 1:23 Gospel was proclaimed in all creation 1:24 …lacking in Christ’s afflictions 2:4, 5, 16-18 Warnings of deceptions 2:17 Christ is the reality that casts the shadow

Colossians 3:18-4:1 This passage changes to specific close household relationships: first to the one who is to submit, then to the one who leads 3:18 Wives, submit to your husbands “Submit”: to willingly place oneself under, it is a willing, personal subjection NOT like creation which God subdued. In the Lord: 3:18, 20, 22, 23, 24

Cross references Gen. 2:18, 22-25 God said it wasn’t good for man to be alone so He created a helper, suitable for him from his own flesh and bones Eph. 5 Because we are members of His body, the wife is also to respect her husband I Pet.2 Christ left the example of submission “It is fitting in the Lord” and “precious in the sight of God” 3:4

husbands 3:19 “Love your wives” – agapao – used of God’s love toward man, Jesus being the perfect example of that love Zod. “A direction of the will and finding ones joy in something or someone. Differs from feeling” “Don’t embitter them”: irritate, be bitterly hateful toward. Used of water; of the pain caused by bitter and poisonous food/drink 1 Pet. 3 Live with your wife in an understanding way, honoring her as a weaker vessel

Parents and children 3:20 Children obey your parents in all things Hupakouo: conform to a command/authority Eph. 6:1 Honor and obey for this is right Prov. Parents are to teach their children the commands of the Lord Prov. 6:22 When you walk about they will guide you; when you sleep they will watch over you; when you awake, they will talk to you.

Cross references Col. 3:21 Don’t exasperate/discourage your children so they lose heart. ENCOURAGE Eph. 6:4 Don’t provoke your children to anger but raise them in the Lord’s discipline and instruction Deut. 6 and Ps. 78 Teach God’s Word by talking, teaching and living it out in every day life

Slaves 3:22 Paul commanded them to obey in all things out of fear for the Lord, with sincerity of the heart not just to please men 3:23 Do your work heartily, for the Lord 3:24 It is the Lord whom you serve and He gives the reward Eph. 6:7 With good will, render service Eph. 6:9 Warning to master: YOU have a Master

Cross references I Tim. 6 Regard your master as worthy of honor Why? Col. 3:24 It is the Lord Christ you serve Tit. 2 Slaves, don’t be argumentative, but godly I Pet. 2 As wives are to respect their husbands, so slaves are to respect their masters, even the unreasonable ones I Pet. 2:23 Christ is the example of unjust suffering

Slaves and masters Col. 4:1 Masters, treat your slaves justly, because you too have a Master in heaven Eph. 6:9 Masters be good to your slaves, don’t threaten them There is no partiality with God Both slaves and masters receive back from Him

philemon Comes after Titus in the Bible, not Colossians Onesimus is a run-away slave from Colossae Onesimus got saved while he was with Paul Prison/imprisonment: vs. 1, 9, 10, 13, 23 Epaphras was in prison with Paul Epaphras had brought the gospel TO the Colossians and informed Paul of their faith Philemon was the master of Onesimus

philemon Character: beloved brother/believer/worker Paul had heard of his love of the faith, of Jesus and of all the saints vs. 5 Had fellowship of the faith and every good thing was in him for Christ’s sake vs. 6 Brought Paul much joy and comfort vs. 7 Refreshed the saints and Paul vs. 7 Onesimus was his slave

philemon Paul did not have the legal authority over his slave, but could have commanded him to do what was proper because of his spiritual authority Philemon owed Paul his very life Had the reputation of going above and beyond what was required vs. 21 Prayed for Paul vs. 22 Knew Epaphras vs. 23

onesimus Vs. 12 says Paul sent him back to Philemon Vs. 18 must have owed Philemon some money Though Onesimus had not been the kind of slave he should have been, Paul asked Philemon to be the master he should be. Vs. 23 Epaphras was also in prison Vs. 1 &24 Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke and Timothy were with him

application Employer to employee Wives to husbands Husbands to wives Children to parents Believer to believer Do ALL as unto the Lord for it is the Lord Christ whom you serve