February 2014 SAGE SUMMATIVE TRAINING FOR ADMINISTRATORS Research & Assessment Canyons School District
How Teachers Administer SAGE – Step-by-Step Guide Student Log in to SAGE – Quick Start Guide Monitoring and Managing the Testing of Students Student – Detailed Step-by-Step Guide for SAGE Accommodations Testing Ethics SAGE TRAINING TOPICS
How to Administer SAGE Test FOR TEACHERS
TEACHERS -TEST ADMIN INTERFACE COMPATIBLE BROWSERS Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8.0, and Surfaces) Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 18+, IE 10 Macintosh (OS X 10.5+) Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 18+, Safari Linux Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 18+ Android (OS – 4.2) Chrome 18+ ChromeOS Chrome 18+ (non-secure login only) iPads (iOS 6.0+) Safari 6 4
TEACHER: OPEN WEB BROWSER 5 Go to the portal at sageportal.orgsageportal.org Click the [SAGE Test Administration] New Icon… Type in under Username. Enter Password
TEACHER: SELECT SAGE TEST 6 Test Administrator Interface: Operational Select the SAGE test(s) you want to administer Click Start Session
TEACHER: WRITE SESSION ID ON BOARD Note: Once test is selected and started you must write SESSION ID on the board 7 Figure 1. Before Starting a Test Session Figure 2. After Starting a Test Session
Hand out tickets to each student. If this is the first SAGE test for students, hand out earbuds headphones. Tell students they need to bring them to each SAGE test for the next few weeks. Have students Click on the Testing Icon (Secure Web Browser). STUDENTS: LOG IN TO SAGE MAC PC
Students SIGN IN. From their ticket: Enter First Name (as it appears on ticket), Enter SSID number, and Session ID. Your teacher will write on the board the Session ID. Wait for Teacher Students select SAGE test. Begin. STUDENTS: LOG IN TO SAGE
TEACHER: VIEW STUDENTS TO APPROVE 10 [Approvals] button is clickable [Approvals] button says [Approvals (# of students)]. Preview table lists each student and his or her selected test. Click Approvals
TEACHER: APPROVAL STARTS STUDENT TESTING 11 All Students One at time Click Refresh to Approve new log ins Note: You may approve all students who appear in the list. However, students who logged in to the test session after you opened the Approvals screen will still need to be approved. Click the [Refresh] button to update the list.
Remember to Click Refresh as new students Log In! CONGRATULATIONS STUDENTS SHOULD BE TAKING SAGE!
TEACHER: MONITORING STUDENT PROGRESS After students have logged in and you have approved them to begin testing, the Students in Your Test Session table will display each student currently logged in to your session. 13
TEACHER: STUDENT STATUSES StatusDescription Approved The Test Administrator has approved the student for the session, but the student has not yet started or resumed the test. Started (#/#) The student has started testing. The number after this status indicates how many items the student has answered out of the total number of items on the test. This number does not indicate which item or item page the student is actively viewing. Review The student has answered all items and is currently reviewing his or her answers before submitting the test for scoring. Note: A test with a review status occurs only at the end of the test. A test is not completed until the student submits the test. Completed The student has submitted the test. No additional action can be taken by the student. Submitted The test has been submitted for quality assurance review, validation, and overall scoring. 14
TEACHER: STOPPING/PAUSING SAGE TESTS Through the TA Interface, Test Administrators may: Stop an entire session; or Pause individual student tests. 15
TEACHER: STOPPING THE ENTIRE SESSION To stop the session (and pause tests for all students in the session): Click the [Stop Session] button in the upper left corner of the screen. An Important! box will appear, requesting verification to end the session and log students out. Click [OK] to continue or [Cancel] to keep the test session open. Stopping a session will automatically pause all students tests in that session, and the students will be logged out automatically. The students can easily resume their tests once the TA has created a new session containing the appropriate tests. 16
TEACHER: PAUSING TESTS OF INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS Pausing an individual students test will pause only that students test. Only that student will be logged out automatically. That student can easily resume their test by requesting entry into the same session again, provided the session is still active. 17
STUDENT TESTING BASIC TEST RULES Students cannot skip test items. Students must answer all test items on a page before going to the next page. Some pages contain multiple test items. Students may need to use the vertical scroll bar to view all items on a page. Students cannot pause if they have not finished all items on a page. Note: Students who viewed an item and then pressed the back button will still need to answer the items or items viewed on the previous page before they can pause. 18
STUDENT TESTING BASIC TEST RULES Students may mark items for review and use the Past/Marked drop-down menu to return to those items, unless the test has been paused for more than 20 minutes. Exceptions to this rule: Segmented tests (only Math Grade 6 is segmented). Once the student submits that portion and has been approved to move to the next he/she cannot return to the first segment. SAGE Writing test. There is no pause time limit. Students may return to their Writing tests at any time prior to submittal. 19
STUDENT TEST TOOLS All students have the ability to: Highlight text in passages and test questions Zoom in and out of test pages (this makes the font look larger or smaller) Mark specific items for review Strikethrough (cross out answer options) Use the Formula Sheet, Notepad, or Calculator depending on the test Use the Expand button to display a reading passage or a science simulation Listen to Text-to-Speech audio in the test questions. 20
CONTEXT MENUS Context Menu for Questions 21 Context Menu for Answer Options
STUDENTS: START OF TESTING 23 When the secure browser is launched, it opens to this page. Click ICON From their ticket: Enter First Name (as it appears on ticket), Enter SSID number, and Session ID. OR
STUDENTS: PROCEEDING THROUGH THE TEST To answer multiple-choice items, students must click the desired answer option or click the circle with A, B, C, or D. To answer machine-scored constructed-response items, students need to carefully follow the instructions given for each question. 30
TEST SETTINGS & ACCOMMODATIONS TEACHER: TEST SETTINGS & ACCOMMODATIONS Select the appropriate option for each test setting, if needed. Confirm the settings. Click [Set] to confirm the selected test settings and return to the list of students awaiting approval. You will still have to approve the student for testing. Click [Set & Approve] to establish the updated settings and approve the student for testing. Click [Cancel] if you want to return to the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen. 33 Special Codes
Principals are required to provide training for standard test administration and testing ethics procedures to all educators involved in testing. The following activities must occur before April 1, 2014 Provide testing ethics and test administration training by going through the 2013 PDF presentation produced by USOE titled Standard Test Administration Testing Ethics. Make sure you have on file a signed form from each educator involved in testing. Fill out and return the accompanying Principals Testing Procedure Checklist form to Hal Sanderson, Research and Assessment, on or before June 1 st, PRINCIPAL TESTING ETHICS PROCEDURES 36
APPROPRIATE TEACHING PRACTICES Ethical testing begins with ethical teaching Ensure that students are enrolled in the appropriate course so that they receive appropriate instruction. Provide instruction on the entire curriculum for a course. Provide accommodations during instruction to eligible students. 37
APPROPRIATE TEACHING PRACTICES During testing: All students are given the correct test. Information from the TAM is followed exactly. Accommodations are provided to eligible students. Appropriate Proctoring Includes: The importance of the test, test participation. The good faith efforts from all students is not undermined! Active proctoring – move around, etc. 38