Hemp Usage types Grain type Fibre (dual) type Short stature High seed yield Low vegetative biomass Fibre (dual) type Tall or very tall plants Very high stem yield Lower seed yields
Hemp Processing in Canada
Materials from Hemp
Industrial Fibre Biofiba Canada – (www.biofiba.com) Composites Innovation Centre – (www.compositesinnovation.ca) Green Earth Technologies – (www.getgreen.pro) Lanaupole Fibres–(www.lanaupole.com) Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives – (www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/hemp/bko01s00.html) Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers – (www.pihg.net) Plains Industrial Hemp Processing Inc – (www.plainshemp.com) Interior carpeting of a cars door made by a biocomposite of hemp fibres and polyethylen Work by Christian Gahle, nova-Institut GmbH, 2007
Manitoba Harvest / Hemp Oil Canada? vertically integrated = quality like no other Control every aspect of the production process Largest hemp food manufacturer to grow, make, and sell our own line of hemp food products. Control every aspect of production from seed, to processing, to packaging, to distribution. In-house quality control lab. Test at various stages of production. “Quality seed to shelf.” HACCP & GMP certified Highest level of global certification in food safety & quality = BRC. Credit: Shaun Crew, Hemp Oil Canada
The Future of Hemp One million acres in Canada? $1.0 billion in exports? Widely utilized food ingredient? High tech applications? 2000 lbs/acre yield? Dual crop value? Triple crop value?
Acknowledgements Dr. Jan Slaski, InnoTech Alberta Dr. Mike Deyholos, UBC Dr. Jian Zhang, Alberta Innovates (AI) Dr. Susie Li, InnoTech Shaun Crew, Hemp Oil Canada Inc Russ Crawford, CHTA-Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance AI Heilongjiang Provincial Government Heilongjiang Academy of Science UBC
An Opportunity: Alberta and Heilongjiang partner to become the suppliers of choice for all products and uses from the whole Industrial Hemp plant in all Asian and North American markets. Alberta and Western Canada’s Impact: 1.Industrial Hemp will be the crop of first choice for Alberta’s farmers on their average and below average Alberta farm soils (near an estimated 11 million Acres). 2. Western Canada will have globally competitive value chains for hemp based food products, textiles both for security and high fashion garments, automotive parts, building products and more.
EDA’s Roles: 1.Become informed advocates for informed farm production of Industrial Hemp. 2. Assist investors to pursue the opportunities from developing Industrial Hemp Value Chains. 3. Advocate for the required research capabilities to keep industry at the global leading edge of new product and new process development. Barry Mehr- Chair AFC’s Board of Directors