FOURIER SERIES PERIODIC FUNCTIONS A function f(x) is said to be periodic with period T if f(x+T)=f(x) x , where T is a positive constant . The least value of T>0 is called the period of f(x).
Ex.2 The period of sin nx and cos nx is 2/n. f(x+2T) =f ((x+T)+T) =f (x+T)=f(x) f(x+nT)=f(x) for all x Ex.1 f(x)=sin x has periods 2, 4, 6, …. and 2 is the period of f(x). Ex.2 The period of sin nx and cos nx is 2/n.
FOURIER SERIES Let be defined in the interval and outside the interval by i.e assume that has the period .The Fourierseries corresponding to is given by
where the Fourier coeffecients are
If is defined in the interval (c,c+2 ), the coefficients can be determined equivalently from
DIRICHLET CONDITIONS Suppose that f(x) is defined and single valued except possibly at finite number of points in (-l,+l) f(x) is periodic outside (-l,+l) with period 2l f(x) and f’(x) are piecewise continuous in(-l,+l)
Then the Fourier series of f(x) converges to f(x) if x is a point of continuity b)[f(x+0)+f(x-0)]/2 if x is a point of discontinuity
SOLVED PROBLEMS 1. Expand f(x)=x2,0<x<2 in Fourier series if the period is 2 . Prove that
Period = 2 = 2 thus = and choosing c=0 SOLUTION Period = 2 = 2 thus = and choosing c=0
At x=0 the above Fourier series reduces to X=0 is the point of discontinuity
By Dirichlet conditions, the series converges at x=0 to (0+4 2)/2 = 2 2
2. Find the Fourier series expansion for the following periodic function of period 4. Solution
EVEN AND ODD FUNCTIONS f(-x)=-f(x) Ex: x3, sin x, tan x,x5+2x+3 A function f(x) is called odd if f(-x)=-f(x) Ex: x3, sin x, tan x,x5+2x+3 A function f(x) is called even if f(-x)=f(x) Ex: x4, cos x,ex+e-x,2x6+x2+2
EXPANSIONS OF EVEN AND ODD PERIODIC FUNCTIONS If is a periodic function defined in the interval , it can be represented by the Fourier series Case1. If is an even function
If a periodic function is even in , its Fourier series expansion contains only cosine terms
Case 2. When is an odd function
If a periodic function is odd in ,its Fourier expansion contains only sine terms
SOLVED PROBLEMS 1.For a function defined by obtain a Fourier series. Deduce that Solution is an even function
At x=0 the above series reduces to x=0 is a point of continuity, by Dirichlet condition the Fourier series converges to f(0) and f(0)=0
PROBLEM 2 Is the function even or odd. Find the Fourier series of f(x)
SOLUTION is odd function
HALF RANGE SERIES COSINE SERIES A function defined in can be expanded as a Fourier series of period containing only cosine terms by extending suitably in . (As an even function)
SINE SERIES A function defined in can be expanded as a Fourier series of period containing only sine terms by extending suitably in [As an odd function]
SOLVED PROBLEMS Obtain the Fourier expansion of (x sinx )as a cosine series in .Hence find the value of SOLUTION Given function represents an even function in
the above series reduces to At is a point of continuity The given series converges to
SOLUTION 2) Expand in half range (a) sine Series (b) Cosine series. Extend the definition of given function to that of an odd function of period 4 i.e
(b) Extend the definition of given function to that of an even function of period 4
Exercise problems 1. Find Fourier series of in 2.
3.Find the Fourier series of (-2 ,2) in
5.Represent function In (0,L) by a Fourier cosine series 6.Determine the half range sine series for
PARSEVAL’S IDENTITY To prove that Provided the Fourier series for f(x) converges uniformly in (-l, I). The Fourier Series for f(x) in (-l,l) is Multiplying both sides of (1) by f(x)and integrating term from – l to l ( which is justified because f(x) is uniformly convergent) 51
CASE-I If f(x) is defined in (0,2l) then Parseval’s Identity is given by
CASE-II If half range cosine series in (o,l) for f(x) is . Then Parseval’s Identity is given by .
CASE-III If the half range Sine sereies in (0,l) for f(x) is Then Parseval,s Identity is given by
RMS VALUE OF FUNCTION If a function y=f(x) is defined in ( c , c+2l ),then is called the root mean square value (RMS value) of y in ( c , c+2l ).It is denoted by .
Equation(2) becomes
Equation(3) becomes
Equation(4) becomes Equation(5)becomes
SOLVED PROBLEMS 1) Find the Fourier series of periodic function in Hence deduce the sum of series Assuming that
if is odd function is odd function
Using the Parseval’s Identity
2)By using sine series for in Show that SOLUTION for
By Parseval’s Identity
3)Prove that in and deduce that SOLUTION In Half range cosine series
By Parseval’s Identity
COMPLEX FORM OF FOURIER SERIES The Fourier series of a periodic function of period 2l is
The Fourier series can be represented in the following way
SOLVED PROBLEM 1.Find the complex form of the Fourier series of the periodic function
2.Find the complex form of Fourier seriesof f(x)=sinx in (0,)
1.Find first two harmonics of Fourier Series from the following table The term a1cosx+b1sinx is called the fundamental or first harmonic, the term a2cosx+b2sinx is called the second harmonic and so on. Solved Problem 1.Find first two harmonics of Fourier Series from the following table