What Student Data are Available for Faculty to Review? Joanne Bashford, Ed.D. Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness Miami Dade College
Faculty Scenario 1 Prof. Jones has been teaching at MDC for 10 years. She knows the College has grown but wants to know how much. Where can she find this information? EIS: https://eisvsr.mdc.edu/eis/gate/EISmain.aspx IR Enrollment Statistics: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/statsind.asp College Fact Book: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/fbind.asp
Faculty Scenario 1 (con’t) Prof. Jones also wants to know how the student body has changed over time. Where can she find this information? College Fact Book: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/fbind.asp
Faculty Scenario 2 Prof. Garcia will be visiting area high schools to talk to seniors about college and why they should enroll at MDC. Where can he find information to help him prepare? H.S. Draw Report: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/hs2.htm
Faculty Scenario 3 Prof. Bien-Aime will be advising new students during the next registration cycle. She wants to know more about the skill levels of new students at MDC and current retention rates. Where can she find information to help her prepare? Basic Skills Report: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/bsa2.htm Retention reports: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/attrit2.htm
Faculty Scenario 4 Prof. Donner teaches in the engineering program and has heard that some of her graduates have trouble in their classes after transferring to the SUS. How can she find out if this is true? Graduate Follow-up: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/follow2.htm Transfer Student Success: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/spotlt.htm
Faculty Scenario 5 Prof. Li teaches EAP courses and wants to know more about his students and their success rates. How can he find this information? Focused Research: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/focusedresearch.asp
Faculty Scenario 6 Prof. Nicoleau just started teaching in Fall 2009 in the Nursing program. He is part of a faculty team writing a proposal for Perkins grant funding. Where can he find information about job placement rates and other Perkins measures? Program Performance Reports: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/programind.asp Perkins IV Measure Analysis: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/restopic.asp
Faculty Scenario 7 Prof. Perez has been teaching at MDC a long time and has heard many excuses from her students about why they miss class, why their assignments are late, etc. She wants to know if it is just her students that have so many challenges. Where can she find this kind of information? Campus Briefing Packages: https://www.mdc.edu/ir/iremployees/Briefingindex.asp
Faculty Scenario 8 Prof. Bradley teaches Education courses and wants to know more about her students’ performance and the School’s goals. Where can she find this kind of information? IE Annual Reports: http://www.mdc.edu/planning_and_effectiveness/institu tional_effectiveness.asp
Create a Faculty Scenario 9 What are your questions?