Heidi Imker and Dan Tracy Faculty Meeting Lightning Talk February 2019 Plan S Heidi Imker and Dan Tracy Faculty Meeting Lightning Talk February 2019
What Is Plan S? https://www.coalition-s.org/ An initiative announced in September 2018 by a collection of 13 national research funding organizations in Europe. Generally, it proposes that any publicly funded research must be published open access beginning in 2020. “By 2020 scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants provided by participating national and European research councils and funding bodies, must be published in compliant Open Access Journals or on compliant Open Access Platforms.”
Why care? While focused on Europe, Plan S members are attempting to get participation by U.S. funders, but more generally the affect on journal publishers will affect U.S. researchers and institutions such as libraries regardless. While the details of Plan S appear to be evolving, they are provoking a great deal of debate and researchers across various disciplines may be talking about it and have questions.
What is a Plan S “Compliant” Journal/Platform? All scholarly articles that result from research funded by members of cOAlition S… must be openly available immediately upon publication without any embargo period. must be permanently accessible under an open license allowing for re-use for any purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship. cOAlition S recommends using Creative Commons licenses (CC) for all scholarly publications and will by default require the CC BY Attribution 4.0 license for scholarly articles.
What is a Plan S “Compliant” Journal/Platform? Scholarly articles are compliant with Plan S if … they are published in compliant Open Access journals or on compliant Open Access platforms. under specified conditions, accept deposit of scholarly articles in Open Access repositories and, in a transition period, publishing Open Access in subscription journals (‘hybrid Open Access’) under transformative agreements as means to achieve compliance with Plan S.
Not allowed under Plan S “Gratis” OA (just freely available, no license). Any CC license except CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, or CC0 (public domain dedication). –NC and –ND declarations are not allowed. “Hybrid” OA (including publication in “mirror” journals) except during a transition period where the journal has a clear plan to transition to fully OA. (Journals must be fully open access.)
Timelines Expected to be in place as of 1 January 2020 for either 1) existing grants, 2) new projects/grants or, at the latest, 3) new calls. Feedback on the implementation plan guidance is being accepted until February 8. https://www.coalition-s.org/feedback/
Some Responses/Discussions Supporters listed on Plan S website https://www.coalition-s.org/funders-and-supporters/ Royal Historical Society https://5hm1h4aktue2uejbs1hsqt31-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp- content/uploads/2019/01/RHSPlanSInterimJan19.pdf Open letter of concern: https://sites.google.com/view/plansopenletter Open letter of support: http://michaeleisen.org/petition/ Several Posts on Scholarly Kitchen https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/
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Supplemental Slides
10 Principles of Plan S https://www.coalition-s.org/10-principles/ 1. authors retain copyright with no restrictions - under an open license 2. funders ensure compliant OA journal/platforms exist 3. funders coordinate incentives to establish & support OA journal/platforms 4. OA fees covered by funders or universities, not individuals 5. OA fees are standardized and capped
10 Principles of Plan S, cont. https://www.coalition-s.org/10-principles/ 6. funders ask for aligned and transparent policies and strategies 7. applies to all scholarly publications, but monographs/book may take longer 8. importance of open archives and repositories acknowledged 9. ‘hybrid’ model of publishing is not compliant 10. funders will monitor compliance & sanction non-compliance