RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY “Saul plots to kill David”: Envy and hatred are terrible sins that could lead to murder as seen in the tragic life of Saul. As believers, we must not give place to them in our hearts. Instead, love and kindness, like Jonathan showed to David, should characterize our dealings with each other. A righteous life will speak for us in times of adversity. Like God delivered David from Saul’s evil plots, He is committed to the preservation of His children from every attack of the adversary – the devil. .
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 745: JONATHAN DELIVERS DAVID FROM DEATH MEMORY VERSE: …… “The LORD do so and much more to Jonathan: but if it please my father to do thee evil, then I will shew it thee, and send thee away, that thou mayest go in peace: and the Lord be with thee, as he hath been with my father” (1 Samuel 20:13). TEXT: 1 Samuel 20:1-24
INTRODUCTION In the preceding chapter, God had David delivered him from Saul’s evil plots. Today’s lesson highlights David’s consult with Jonathan, who promised to provide David with necessary information from the palace for his safety. Leaders should be free from narrow- mindedness, suspicion and envy of their subordinates who may be favored, gifted or successful. Like David, if we cannot vindicate our reputation before men, we should commit it to God. QUESTION 1: Mention some lessons from the lives of the major characters in our text – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Psalm 37:5,6; 119:63
DAVID CONSULTS WITH JONATHAN 1 Samuel 20:1-8; Proverbs 11:14; Matthew 2:13 On several occasions, David fled for his life due to threats by king Saul. He appealed to Jonathan on his innocence and was ready to humble himself and seek pardon if indeed he had offended. In handling threats to life, we should learn from our Lord Jesus and His apostles and escape if necessary (Prov. 27:12). Believers should seek counsel from mature leaders when in doubt and danger. QUESTION 2: Outline some qualities of true friendship exhibited by Jonathan – Proverbs 17:17, 11:14; Exodus 23:2
DAVID AND JONATHAN RENEW THEIR COVENANT 1 Samuel 20:9-17; Genesis 21:27; 1 Kings 5:12 Motivated by pure love and regard for his friend David, Jonathan renewed their covenant of friendship. The condition of the covenant was that when David became king, he would preserve the life of Jonathan and continually show kindness to his house. He assured him of his unwavering love. Faithfulness demands that we keep the terms of godly, righteous and legitimate covenants (2 Timothy 3:3).
DAVID AND JONATHAN RENEW THEIR COVENANT 1 Samuel 20:9-17; Genesis 21:27; 1 Kings 5:12 QUESTION 3: What was the content of the covenant between David and Jonathan? – 1 Samuel 20:14,15 QUESTION 4: What can believers learn from Jonathan and David regarding faithfulness and trust in friendship? – Proverbs 18:24
JONATHAN’S TOKEN TO DAVID 1 Samuel 20:18-24; Joshua 8:12-19 In response to Jonathan’s readiness to assist, David proposed a simple strategy to ascertain Saul’s disposition towards him. The proposed arrangement saved David’s life from being cut off prematurely. In like manner, believers should labour to rescue sinners and backsliders who are in danger of going to hell (Proverbs 24: 11,12). We should devise scriptural evangelistic strategies to reach all categories of sinners and backsliders before it is too late. QUESTION 5: What are the duties of believers to those in danger of hell? – Proverbs 24:11,12; 1 Corinthians 9:22
CONCLUSION Leaders should be free from narrow-mindedness, suspicion and envy of their subordinates who may be favored, gifted or successful. Believers should exhibit pure love when someone else is advanced into a leadership position or is more gifted than themselves. In handling threats to life, we should seek God’s counsel and know when to stay and when to escape. The scripture enjoins us to fulfil our promises, covenants and vows.