SATS Meeting Wednesday 3rd April
SATS: Standard Assessment Tests Breakfast will be served from 8:00 from Monday to Thursday
GPS Paper 1 grammar and punctuation (1 hour) Punctuation and Grammar Punctuation and grammar tasks will be given out on a weekly basis, however as we get closer to testing they may be given out more frequently. Please let us know if there is something that your child found difficult.
Spelling Your child will be sent home spellings to support their in-class work. Please help your child learn them Spellings will be given out on a weekly basis, however as we get closer to testing they may be given out more frequently.
Spelling 2018
Reading Paper (1 hour) 3 texts which get progressively harder
Reading Paper (1 hour)
Reading Paper Question Stems
Maths There are 3 papers: 1 arithmetic (30 minutes) Two reasoning papers (40 minutes each)
Maths Reasoning
Maths Please support your child in completing their homework, letting us know if there was an area that your child found difficult. Please make sure that your child knows their times tables and key maths facts.
Writing Writing is assessed using teacher judgement, and evidenced through the learning in books. The teacher assesses the child based on their knowledge of how the pupil has performed over time in a range of contexts.
Writing Assessment Framework
Writing Assessment Framework
Writing Assessment Framework
Year 5 & 6 Common Exception Words
How you can support your child during the Easter Holidays If you have bought the CGP revision guides, work through these with your child. Complete the holiday homework set. Use the parent packs provided if you are unsure of any content.
Any questions?