Latin Greetings
Salve!/Salvete Omnes!
Hello!/Welcome Everyone!
Vale/Valete Omnes!
Goodbye/Goodbye everyone!
Quid agis/agitis hodie?
How are you/all today?
bene = well optime = great defessus = tired pessimus = terrible, the worst satis bene = o.k. iratus = angry
Gratiās tibi/vobīs agō? Greetings, part II Gratiās tibi/vobīs agō?
I give thanks to you. i.e. Thank you
And more Greetings/sayings/phrases Ignosce mihi – excuse me Quid accidit? – what is happening? Bene factum! – well done! Responde/respondete linguā Latīnā – respond in Latin Quid est nomen tibi? – What is your name? Fēlix nātālis tibi! Happy Birthday to you!! - finite!!!
QUESTIONS ??? Quid est? “What is it?” Quis est? “Who is he/she/it?” Ubi est? “Where is he/she/it?” Quid agit? “What is he/she/it doing”
PARTNER ACTIVITY!!! Take the paper you were handed at the door. Pick a partner. Write at least 8 “greetings” to your partner. You may also include in the 8, some of the questions we learned as well. Next each, write the word, “Anglice” if you’d like your partner to respond in English or write, “Latinā” if you’d like your partner to respond in Latin. Exchange, complete, sign your name.