SRIA Roadmap 2019-2023 Jonathan Pearce OBJECTIVE OF THE EXCERCISE
Objective of the session To work towards a roadmap of joint actions for 2019 – 2024 that support the objectives of the SRiA To consider the ranking of the prioritisation workshop in December 2018 To consider the ranking of the JPIAMR Member States Reconcile the two sets of priorities to come to a roadmap that can then be used for forward planning of resources and seeking support from other partners within individual Member States aligning activities with other organisations securing partnerships
SRIA Roadmap Procedure December 2018 SRIA prioritisation workshop February 2019 SAB feedback on prioritised topics and recommendation for hackathon MB member feedback on prioritised topics/Ranking April 2019 MB discussion ’towards a JPIAMR roadmap of joint actions for 2019-2023’ October 2019 MB agree roadmap Publish roadmap This slide may well form part of Linda’s four slides to discuss the workshop. May not need to include this one. Current/future activities in bold type
Funding mechanisms Research Calls Network Calls Workshops Out of the box ideas
JPIAMR Calls 2014-2019 plus planned ERAnet calls JPIAMR Past and planned actions JPIAMR Calls 2014-2019 plus planned ERAnet calls Number of calls M€ Funding to date M€
ERA-Net Aquatic Pollutants Research Call, Year: 2020 ERA-Net Aquatic Pollutants To fill existing key knowledge gaps regarding the environmental behaviour of new and emerging pollutants as well as pathogens in inland waters and the marine environment, and their impacts on ecosystems and human health Collaboration of the three JPIs on Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) The AquaticPollutants proposal responds to the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Societal Challenge 5: Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources No of funders = 32 No. countries participating = 24 No. JPIAMR countries participating = 18
ERA-Net Transmission/Interventions Research Call, Year: 2021 ERA-Net Transmission/Interventions One Health interventions to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) General focus of the call: Interventions and Transmission Societal Challenge 1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing
Proposed JPIAMR SRIA Roadmap Topics 2019-2023 Management Board Discussion
Ranking Prioritisation Workshop Member State Survey JA1 Non-antibiotic approaches for early life animal husbandry WS/RC JA10 Optimising drugs RC JA2 Risk prediction modelling RC JA9 Digital detection technology JA3 One Health AMR Interventions WS/RC JA7 Global harmonisation of diagnostics WS JA4 Understanding transmission dynamics RC JA6 Diagnostics to inform clinical decision making RC JA5 Quantification of transmission NC JA16 Therapeutics for clinical/vet workshop & NC JA18 Early drug discovery mobility network for student exchange JA11 Best practices for AMR in the environment NC/RC JA8 Towards integrated One Health surveillance systems RC JA9 Digital detection technology RC JA8 Towards integrated One Heath surveillance WS/RC JA2 Risk prediction modelling NC JA15 Interventions – Building Bridges guidance and standards NC JA12 Agreed could be merged with JA5 JA1 Non-antibiotic approaches for early life animal husbandry JA13 Out of scope for JPIAMR SAB - Hackathon W all areas JA14 One Health Surveillance training JA4, JA3 not on the MS prioritisation JA17/X Ecology of AMR in terrestrial & aquatic environments RC SAB AMR Hackathon workshop Process – MB member states asked to rank priorities; The secretariat received feedback from 9 out of 27 countries 1 = low priority 2 = medium priority 3 = high priority The secretariat received feedback from 9 out of 27 countries RC=research call; NC=network call; WS=workshop Green arrows differ ± 1 ranking; orange arrows differ 1-3 rankings; red differ by >3 rankings
Hackathon: Brainstorming session to find new ways to tackle AMR Out of the Box, Year: XXXX One Health New topic Proposed by SAB Hackathon: Brainstorming session to find new ways to tackle AMR Juniors (e.g. postdocs) will organise and invite ‘unusual suspects’ (a broader audience) Travel funds should be given to young people This could take the form of workshops to address certain questions This would enhance the generation of innovative ideas and solutions Could potentially lead to a future JPIAMR action, e.g. research call, network call, workshop Below the screen for both sets of rankings so worth mentioning as an SAB out of the box idea.
VRI Proposed SRIA Roadmap 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Therapeutics (call 6) Diagnostics and Surveillance (9) JPIWATER Environment JA2 ERANET Transmission/ Intervention JA3/JA4 Diagnostics/ Surveillance JA6/JA9 Therapeutics JA10 Surveillance (7) and VRI (8) Transmission/ Intervention - JA5, 11, 12 Non-Ab approaches early animal life - JA1 One Health intervention standards - JA15 Non-Ab approaches early animal life - JA1 Surveillance Networks and JA8 Diagnostics Validation harmonization - JA7 Intervention standards and common practice – JA3 Current/future activities in bold type Needs of the VRI – what body will oversee this top-up? Governance/Advisory group for the VRI. Buy-in first and then ask for money later. Workshop in yellow needs reconsideration – a repeat. VRI VRI Networks Top Up VRI Networks Workshop Understanding Surveillance - JA14 Linking drug developers with end users - JA16 Linking early stage drug discovery - JA17 Hackathon
Breakout groups Three breakout groups Each is asked to consider the proposed map Is there anything missing? Would you propose adding/removing JAs Would you propose changing the proposed timing(s) To reach a recommendation for full MB consideration
JPIAMR Calls 2019-2023 JPIAMR Planned actions Year Funding scheme Call Name Priority topics Investment (M €) 2020 ERA Net ERAnet Emerging Pollutants and Pathogens 2019 1st calls Environment Transmission 2021 JPIAMR ACTION: AntimiCrobial Transmission InterventiONs Intervention ERAnet Emerging Pollutants and Pathogens 2019 32 funders in 24 countries (18 from JPIAMR Member States). 2 calls? Is it outline and full?
JPIAMR Workshops 2015-2019 JPIAMR Past actions Year Workshops 2015 Diagnostics Transmission dynamics intergovernmental 2016 New frontiers in AMR research Transatlantic collaboration on clinical trials The interplay between AMR surveillance and science 2017 Early discovery of new antibiotics Environmental dimensions of AMR JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute 2018 JPIAMR Funded Networks workshop 2019 Biocom AMR meeting (Industry) Workshops map to all 6 of the JPIAMR pillars Calls did not always follow on from workshops
JPIAMR Workshops 2019-2023 JPIAMR Planned actions Year Workshops 2019 Globalisation LAC Globalisation Eastern Europe VRI Network Start-up Surveillance Network Start-up AMR Funders Globalisation Asia 2020 VRI Network Final Surveillance Network Final Won’t cover the ambitions of the workshops on the list.