Ryan Ploetz Jason Anderson Adam Umbarger February 5, 2007 CS3141 Online Payment System Ryan Ploetz Jason Anderson Adam Umbarger February 5, 2007 CS3141
Problem Description Provide an electronic environment for conducting financial transaction.
Activity List Convert Currency Create / Delete Account Add Periodic Payment Generate Payment History Receive Notices
Inconsistencies Account creation vague Notifications vague International users
Sources of Information User User Bank Account User Credit Card
Destination of Information User Quality Assurance Marketing Department Customer Service
Questions & Answers How early will a customer be notified of a periodic payment? If an account is deleted, will I be able to recover the account? Can a customer hold more than one account?
Data Dictionary Format Use Case: Name of use case Actors: Actors that are involved with the use case Type: The type of use case Description: A short description about how the actor interacts with the system Use Cases: A list of use cases that must be done before the user can do this use case
Data Dictionary Examples Use Case: Edit Account Actors: User Type: Primary Description: The user can edit their personal information and any custom settings. Use Cases: User must have created an OPS account and be logged in to the system. Use Case: Notify User of Periodic Payment Actors: System Description: The system notifies the user of an upcoming payment within a specific time before the payment is due. Use Cases: User must have created an OPS account. The user must have a periodic payment scheduled.