RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY “Jonathan Delivers David from Death”: Whenever we cannot vindicate our reputation before men, we should commit it to God like David did. Also, we should show genuine sympathy to those are being defamed following Jonathan’s example. And unlike Saul, we should be free from suspicion and envy of those around us who may be more favored, gifted and successful. The scripture enjoins us to fulfil our promises, covenants and vows.
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 746: DAVID FLEES TO GATH MEMORY VERSE: …… “And David arose, and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Achish the king of Gath” (1 Samuel 21:10). TEXT: 1 Samuel 21:1-15
INTRODUCTION David fled because his life was under constant threat from Saul who wanted to kill him dead by all means. We are reminded that the devil always seeks to defeat God’s plan for His us and destroy us. Even Christ was not spared! We must be prayerful and watchful especially in times of victory, success or exaltation because every open door attracts many adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:13,9). QUESTION 1: What can believers learn from Saul’s different attempts to kill David? – 1 Peter 5:8; 1 Corinthians 16:9
DAVID FLEES TO NOB 1 Samuel 21:1-6; Psalm 9:9; 60:11 Samuel or Jonathan could not protect David from Saul; he had to run for his life! It is instructive that David chose to visit the house of God first although his lying could not be justified. Our help comes from the Lord and we are to look up to Him every time and under all situations by turning to His word, His house and His ministers. Knowing that God is always ready and available to help us in times of need removes fear, doubt and discouragement. QUESTION 2: What do believers learn from David’s meeting with Ahimelech in the sanctuary? – 1 Samuel 19:18; 20:42-21:1a
DOEG: A SERVING STRANGER IN ISRAEL 1 Samuel 21:7-9; 22:9,10 Doeg was chief of Saul’s herdsmen. Although he appeared responsible and harmless, he was deadly. He was an Edomite (avowed enemies of the united nation of Israel and having perpetual hatred for the Israelites). Doeg’s report angered Saul. Innocent lives were lost and property destroyed in the city of Nob because of that. Saul killed God’s servants for no cause. When one falls from grace, wickedness is the result. We should be watchful in as we take sensitive decisions. QUESTION 3: Why should believers be careful in engaging sinners in their household duties? – 1 Corinthians 15:33; Proverbs 11:13
DAVID’S FLIGHT TO GATH 1 Samuel 21:10-15; 1 Corinthians 10:13 Out of fear and in order to escape death, David turned to self- management. He forgot about divine presence. God knows how to secure our lives; therefore using sinful shortcuts for self-preservation or to carry out our divinely ordained programs is not necessary. Obstacles and difficulties cannot hinder God’s word and purpose. QUESTION 4: From the text, mention some blunders David made that believers must avoid? – 1 Samuel 21:2,8,12,13 QUESTION 5: How does one retain his integrity in times of distress? – Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Philippians 4:6,8
CONCLUSION God can allow unpleasant situations to come our way to test our faith and faithfulness, and bring glory to His name. However, at times of distress, we must not resort to self-management but rather be determined, courageous, watchful, prayerful and patient. We should also seek the Spirit’s counsel in all our decisions and look only to Christ, our Model. God is our overall Moderator; let’s walk with, and faithfully serve Him, He’ll balance everything for us.