Welcome to Key Stage 1
Staff in Key Stage 1 Cherry Class – Year 1 Miss McEwan, Miss Tattersfield and Mrs Howard Ruby Class – Year 1 & 2 Miss Earp and Mrs Iddison Crimson Class – Year 2 Mrs Smillie, Miss Jackson and Mrs Meachin
Learning in Key Stage 1 All children will cover the same topics whether they are in year 1 or 2. English and Maths is tailored in each class to individual children’s needs. Some provision areas for Year 1 children to help support transition from Foundation Stage.
Uniform All clothes need name labels please. Only jewellery allowed in school are plain gold/silver studs and a watch if your child is learning to tell the time. Black school shoes and white/grey or black socks. No fancy hair ornaments (e.g. flowers).
Other items your child will need Clear water bottle named. P.E. kit in school all week. A suitable book bag that fit in the child’s drawer.
P.E kit Indoor and outdoor P.E. kit. Earrings must be removed or covered. Black shorts/skorts. Plain white T shirt (no logos unless a school one). Plain tracksuit. Trainers. Spare socks for girls wearing tights. P.E. kits in school all week.
Reading Extra support for readers who struggle. New books will not be given out until the previous book is returned or a comment is made in their reading record. Lost books must be paid for. Regular reading at home is extremely beneficial! Reading to be logged in their reading record. Bug Club used regularly.
Home learning Supports what is happening in school. Helps children develop time management skills and responsibility for their learning. Support children but don’t do it for them! Reading – Book or Bug Club Maths – Mathletics Spelling Bee – Children are given a new spelling list once every half term.
Assessments in Key Stage 1 Assessments are very informal and your child’s progress is monitored constantly. Year 1 Phonics test in summer. Year 2 SATS in late spring. Year 2’s who failed the phonics test will have to resit. Children are prepared at school and all assessments are done in a child friendly way.
Helping at School Volunteers for reading with children and organising the library are always welcome. Rotate volunteers. Please sign on the volunteers sheet at the end of the meeting or speak to your class teacher.
Further information for parents who are new to Year 1
The main differences between Foundation and KS1 Changes More structured lessons Some use of provision Home learning Independence – Book bags, PE kits, Sun cream Changes
Behaviour We believe that behaviour is centred around three different basic rights: The right to learn. The right to be safe. The right to be respected.