Azure AI ChatBot with WebClient App Lily Taharudin
Objective Setup and run cloud artificial intelligent web chatbot in WebClient application on Microsoft Azure What is a bot? It provides an experience that feels less like using a computer and a little bit like dealing with a person. What is a chatbot? It is an intelligent bot that can interact naturally with your users on websites
(Language Understanding) Azure Database Server SQL Server SQL Database App Service Tomcat 8.5 Web app LUIS (Language Understanding) Service Bot service WebClient Development Environment Browser Eclipse Java project Web project
Checklist Have an Azure account Create Azure Web App Bot Configure chatbot Configure LUIS (Language Understanding) Create a page template to load the chatbot
Create an account on Microsoft Azure
Azure Web App Bot
Create Azure Web App Bot
Create Azure Web App Bot
Create Azure Web App Bot
Deploy Web App Bot Locally Bot Framework Emulator
Deploy Web App Bot Locally
Deploy Web App Bot Locally
Deploy Web App Bot Locally
Create a WebClient Page Template for WebChat UI Create a new Java project named customTemplate Create a new WebClient page template file named WebChatUI-page.wcli Add the following code
WebChatUI-page.wcli <div id="webchat" role="main"></div> <script src=""></script> <script> window.WebChat.renderWebChat({ directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({ token: 'YOUR_DIRECT_LINE_TOKEN' }), userID: 'YOUR_USER_ID', username: 'Web Chat User', locale: 'en-US', botAvatarInitials: 'WC', userAvatarInitials: 'WW' }, document.getElementById('webchat')); </script>
Generate Token for WebChat UI
Generate a Direct Line Token
Postman Example to Generate a Direct Line Token
LUIS (Language Understanding) A machine learning-based service to build natural language into apps or bots Can be created quickly with prebuilt Intents and Entities Enterprise-ready Always learning and improving To extract information from natural language.
Intent Represents a task or action the user wants to perform Calendar app intents Example utterances Calendar Schedule a meeting with Susan tomorrow afternoon View my today's calendar Schedule a doctor appointment next Monday at 10am
Entity Represents a word or phrase inside the utterance that you want to extract An utterance can include many or no entities Utterance Entity Data Schedule a doctor appt next Monday at 10 am Calendar.Subject DateTime doctor 10 am View my today's calendar today Schedule a meeting with Susan tomorrow afternoon Susan tomorrow afternoon
Configure LUIS - Intents
Configure LUIS - Entities
Configure LUIS - Utterances
Bot Builder Interface to WebClient This is running in Node.js. This is the code that is called when a message is parsed by LUIS. We will trigger a WebClient event by sending a special message to the webchat component.
Bot Builder Interface to WebClient This is the code that is running in the page template that receive from the bot backend and then transfer the data to Plex webclient.
(Language Understanding) Azure Database Server SQL Server SQL Database App Service Tomcat 8.5 Web app LUIS (Language Understanding) Service Bot service WebClient Development Environment Browser Eclipse Java project Web project
Question ?
Lily Taharudin +1 512-610-0623