Task 1 http://www.webpacman.com/pacman.php You are going to use the Makey Makey arrow inputs to create a joystick / games controller. Step 1: Connect Makey Makey to laptop via USB cable. It will take 1min to access the drivers and should flash green when installed. Step 2: Test that the Makey Makey is working by pressing the earth conductor with one hand and the space conductor with the other. The light above the space conductor should light up green. Step 3: Create your up, down, left and right controller. Step 4: With one hand touch earth, use your other hand to press on the Makey Makey arrow keys. You should be able to control the screen/ http://www.webpacman.com/pacman.php
Task 2 You are going to use the Makey Makey arrow inputs to control the direction of movement for a sprite in Scratch. Step 1: Connect Makey Makey to laptop via USB cable. It will take 1min to access the drivers and should flash green when installed. Step 2: Test that the Makey Makey is working by pressing the earth conductor with one hand and the space conductor with the other. The light above the space conductor should light up green. Step 3: Open an offline version of Scratch or the online version at http://scratch.mit.edu/ Create a program that uses the following blocks to control the sprite. Step 4: With one hand touch earth, use your other hand to press on the Makey Makey arrow keys. Your sprite should move around the screen. Step 5: Use the playdough to create a controller. Connect the crocodile clips between each conductor and its play dough button to complete the circuit. Remember to press the earth at the same time when playing!
Task 3 You are going to use the Makey Makey inputs to control the mouse on your laptop. Step 1: Connect Makey Makey to laptop via USB cable. It will take 1min to access the drivers and should flash green when installed. Step 2: Test that the Makey Makey is working by pressing the earth conductor with one hand and the space conductor with the other. The light above the space conductor should light up green. Step 3: Turn your Makey Makey over and the mouse inputs are on the back. We are going to control the movement of the mouse curser and create a left and right click. Step 4: Push the jumper wires into each of the inputs. You should have one wire per input. Step 5: Use play dough to make a mouse on the table. Push each wire into the corresponding part of the mouse. When you have finished, hold the earth and press your mouse to see if it moves the cursor on the screen.
Task 4 Positive + Negative - You are going to use the Makey Makey output header to make an LED flash on and off. Step 1: Connect Makey Makey to laptop via USB cable. It will take 1min to access the drivers and should flash green when installed. Step 2: Test that the Makey Makey is working by pressing the earth conductor with one hand and the space conductor with the other. The light above the space conductor should light up green. Step 3: Turn your Makey Makey over and the header outputs are on the back next to the main red cable. We are going to be using D14 for the positive leg of the LED and GND for the negative leg. Push your 2 jumper wires into D14 and GND. Step 4: Using the crocodile clips, connect D14 to the long leg of the LED and GND to the short leg of the LED. Positive + Negative - Step 5: When you press the earth with one hand and the space conductor with the other, the LED should light. Connect a second LED in a daisy chain (series) – do they both light? Beware: Some LED’s may need a resistor to prevent damage.
Task 5 You are going to use the Makey Makey output header to make a motor move forwards and backwards. Step 1: Connect Makey Makey to laptop via USB cable. It will take 1min to access the drivers and should flash green when installed. Step 2: Test that the Makey Makey is working by pressing the earth conductor with one hand and the space conductor with the other. The light above the space conductor should light up green. Step 3: Turn your Makey Makey over and the header outputs are on the back next to the main red cable. We are going to be using 5V and GND. Push your 2 jumper wires into 5V and GND. To test: Touch the jumpers onto the motor connectors and the motor should turn. Switch the location of the wires to change direction of the motor.
Step 4: Using a cup, create a circle in paper and cut it out Step 4: Using a cup, create a circle in paper and cut it out. Cut 2 small (1cm) sections of the rubber band and make a hole in each safely with the pin and rubber. Push one piece of rubber over motor axle. Step 5: Push your circle onto the motor and trap the assembly between another piece of rubber band. Step 6 To create the switch, you will need to cut a section of card and push three paper fasteners through it. (note direction!) Step 7: Run 2 sections of foil down another piece of card and fix with the middle fastener. THE FOIL MUST NOT TOUCH! Step 8: Using the crocodile clips, connect each of the foil plates to a motor connector. Step 9: Using the crocodile clips, connect 5V and GND to the left and right paper fastener. Push the fasteners onto the foil to complete the connection. Twist the fasteners onto the opposite piece of foil to change the direction of the motor.