GOM3 / GOMsmart Additions of the Past Year Tony Dupont tony@earthsci.com Earth Science Associates Long Beach, CA User Conference 4/25/2019
ArcGIS Desktop User Conference 4/25/2019
Lease Sale Preparation BOEM seems to be improving on updating dates and ownership Additional data added to Reference/Prep Stipulations Disposal Sites Indicated Hydrocarbons User Conference 4/25/2019
OOSA Reports Searching for data Also accessible from ESA Desktop Scout tickets and tabular exports Spud date or total depth date Status (DRLG, TA, etc.) Class (DEV, EXP, etc.) Type (Subsalt, horizontal, appraisal) User Conference 4/25/2019
Table Display Formatted numeric data User Conference 4/25/2019
Data User Conference 4/25/2019
Digital Well Logs Timeline Data Last year (Feb. 18), integration began for Geophysical Add-on Around Christmas (2018) move to GOM3 Data From 2005 on (earlier logs lost in Katrina) ~12,500 logs on ~5,000 wells User Conference 4/25/2019
Digital Well Logs GOMsmart ArcGIS Load wells with digital logs Hotlink to GOMsmart User Conference 4/25/2019
Well Data/Documents Scanned documents (images: mainly PDFs or TIFs) Digital/tabular data (text, CSV, spreadsheets) Categories: Mud logs, conventional cores, sidewall cores, wellbore schematics, geochemical analysis PVTs, geochemical samples, paleo samples Core samples Appear in Well Reports User Conference 4/25/2019
Well Attributes Peak Production / day Initial Prod / day (first 6 months) Peak Injection Rates (water & gas) Number of digital logs Subsea Tieback indicator (deepwater) Appraisal flag (Exploratory, non-discovery well in field) User Conference 4/25/2019
Seafloor Features User Conference 2/15/2018
Business Planning User Conference 4/25/2019
Bidding Forecasts Continuous improvements Models use official list of blocks available for the upcoming lease sale Additional output Tornado plots per variable Attributes for each block per company User Conference 2/15/2018
Tie-back Tool Route destinations Maximum Slope setting Pipeline Tie-ins Custom Destination Maximum Slope setting Reports expanded Production Wells User Conference 4/25/2019
Forgotten Oil & Gas Study First introduced in late 2014 Different setup Local installation GIS requirements Re-introduced in 2019 Part of the Business Planning Add-on Downloadable tables, statistics User Conference 4/25/2019
Geophysical Add-on User Conference 4/25/2019
Interface Geophysical/Seismic window in ArcMap Map Layers window expanded in ArcScene Conversion tool added to ESA Toolbox (ArcScene) User Conference 4/25/2019
Top of Salt Reworked for 2-D maps and 3-D displays Confidence maps (GOT) Raster / TIN User Conference 4/25/2019
Top of Salt MC397 User Conference 4/25/2019
Top of Salt EI238 User Conference 4/25/2019
GOMsmart User Conference 4/25/2019
Custom Map: Small Changes Many are behind the scenes Tweaks to Storm forecasts Improved queries on certain reports In Custom Map, addition of FEMA evacuation routes and hospital locations in Storms service User Conference 4/25/2019
Mobile Devices User Conference 4/25/2019
ArcGIS Pro ! ? User Conference 4/25/2019