Post C5 presentation of AIS Administrative Information Services IT Department CERN – Geneva, Switzerland IT-AIS
Agenda Short Introduction Presention (alphabetical order) E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec) Questions (and possibly answers?)
Mandate (What) Provide CERN with a set of integrated and reliable Corporate Information Systems Ensure coherent, reliable, comprehensive and accurate management information across CERN Provide optimal support for all business processes at CERN
Approach (How) Best of Breed Be-spoke development Buy best solution for each business unit We manage the integration & customizations We provide transparent layer for end-users E.g. Financials, HR, Payroll, E-recruitment Be-spoke development Where market availability doesn’t meet CERN needs AND there is a strong business case: E.g. Collaborative project management, Workflow, Reporting, Earned Value Management, Planning.
Project Progress Tracking, EVM, Contract Follow Up, APT Organization ORACLE*HR E-Recruitment Training (CTA) Payroll Finance, Purchasing, Import/Export, Internal distribution, Fixed Assets, BAAN, and treasury management Project Progress Tracking, EVM, Contract Follow Up, APT CET, HRT, CFUTK, SMT EDH, Personnel management tools for experiment secretariats, users office, and divisional secretariats Shared data, shared functions like AisEvent, AisMedia, AisLogin, CRA: PLUS apps gesloc, gescle, visits, roles, supplier management, CERN structure. etc.. Decision Support E-Business People Money Projects & Contracts Foundation
(+ deputy groupleader) Reinoud Martens (group leader) Who = Who Francois Briard James Purvis (+ deputy groupleader) Jurgen De Jonghe Per Gunnar Jonsson Derek Mathieson Wim Van Leersum Reinoud Martens (group leader) Decision Support E-Business People Money Projects & Contracts Foundation
And now Jozef E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec)
Mandate To support and develop the EDH application EDH is big! 11’528 Users 275’123 Documents 683’981 Signatures EDH Document 2’000’000 (create by Davide VITE of HR) Hello my name is Jozef Dransfield and I work in AIS-EB Our mandate is to support and develop the EDH application. And as you probably know EDH is pretty big! We have over 11 and a half thousand users Nearly 300,000 documents sent in 2005 And nearly 700,000 signatures And document number 2 million was approved last year.
Who we are Staff Staff AIS Support Staff Isabel FERNANDEZ GONZALEZ Istvan KALLAI AIS Support Staff Doreen KLEM David JOUVE Staff Derek MATHIESON Ben COUTURIER Jozef DRANSFIELD (Section Leader) Alltogether we have 10 members 5 full time time And 2 staff members not in EB but who deserve a mention because they are the front line support for AIS remedies, and over half those remedies are for EDH.
Who we are Fellow Project Associates Marie Currie Fellow Rostislav TITOV Marie Currie Fellow Tommi HEIKKINEN Project Associates Alexey AFONIN Ilya BATUASHVILI Pavel RAZUMOVSKIY 3 Project associates And 2 fellows one CERN fellow, One Marie Currie Fellow
Achievements 2005 Many new documents Outlook Calendar Integration New e-MAPS form Urgent & Confidential Markers So what we achieved in 2005 Many new documents such as the School Fees claim and the HRAdmin documents But they real highlights where
Achievements 2005 Many new documents Outlook Calendar Integration New e-MAPS form Urgent & Confidential Markers Outlook calendar integration. We can now share your leave information with the Outlook calendar, so that your leave periods and those of your colleagues automatically appear in their calendars.
Achievements 2005 Many new documents Outlook Calendar Integration New e-MAPS form Urgent & Confidential Markers An iteration of the MAPS document, following the feedback from last years process
Achievements 2005 Many new documents Outlook Calendar Integration New e-MAPS form Urgent & Confidential Markers New features for documents: Urgent and confidential Urgent makes no changes to the routing but identifies to signatures that the document is urgent so that they can hopefully sign faster. Condifential overrides the usual access mechinisms so that only those who have been explicitly involved in the document’s routing are allowed to view the contents.
Pipeline Many new documents New workflow system Document Recovery New look and feel So 2006 Of course we will be adding new documents. Things like the child allowance questionaire. But the keynotes are a new Workflow system. To replace our aging Oracle Workflow system we are looking into a standards based solution using BPEL.
Document recovery. There are many reasons why we might loose our session, Close the browser by accident, or leave the computer idle for too long, or occasionally we can loose the session at our end But we will of course try to fix this problem. But we wanted a tool to recover any work you do. Now we record every action you perform on a document and this new tool allows you to recover what you have done or even step back in time, without you having to save the document. This tool is currently production for the EB section but because of security issues (you can step a document back to a previous state) we have to verify that it is secure before we can open it cern wide.
Search Person Derek Mathieson Search New look and feel. We want to improve usuability of the application by using features available in modern browsers. We would like to keep to a single frame model and allow you to search and get help all inside the one frame. We also hope to have a system where by help is easyer to access and more in your face to reduce remedies that could be answered by reading the help. The Technical Contact details the person who can be reached by the signatories of the DAI or the buyer to answer to technical questions about the order. By default this field is set to the creator of the document but you may change this to be any person working at CERN.
Thank you for listening. Here we can see the sign screen inside the document single frame. We no longer have to leave the document to sign it. Thank you for listening. Following your offer dated 24.03.06
Thanks Jozef Welcome Jean E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec)
IT-AIS-FLP 4 Staffs 4 main applications supported Thousands end users Commercial applications with some specific functionalities In-house developed applications Thousands end users Specialized Administrative Services CERN on-site users External users
IT-AIS-FLP: Business area
IT-AIS-FLP: BAAN Provided by BAAN Oracle database + Web interfaced application Central source of Stores data at CERN 70 registered users in logistics group 54000 standard articles 180000 orders lines per year
IT-AIS-FLP: Catalogue Maintenance Tool Developed at CERN By EDH team. Now maintained by FLP Users: FI/LS Logistics group Tool to maintain Stores catalogue
IT-AIS-FLP: Web catalogue Developed at CERN by EDH team, now maintained jointly by EDH and FLP Users: all Cern users to order items from stores Web based application
IT-AIS-FLP: cXML sending of purchase orders Developed at CERN by FLP Replaced EDI system and added other suppliers: Farnell, Carbagas, Bossard Standard cXML purchase orders are sent over http post or as e-mail attachment No user intervention required on our side. Automatic integration on suppliers side May be easily extended to many more suppliers
IT-AIS-FLP: Qualiac Finance Provided by Qualiac (fr) Financial application for budget and accounting Covers all accounting and budget operations: CERN budgets ( general and departemental budgets) Oracle database + Web interface (Java) Used everyday by Finance accounting and budget services Contains all CERN commitments and budget expenditure Generates all payments to personnel and suppliers
IT-AIS-FLP: Qualiac Purchasing Provided by Qualiac (fr) Covers ALL purchasing operations Orders integrated from EDH More than 35000 orders per year Fully integrated with Qualiac finance for commitments and budget expenditure accounting Used by FI purchasing group
IT-AIS-FLP: Qualiac Import Export Provided by Qualiac (fr) and customized at CERN Users: shipping services and internal transports services Management of customs documents for incoming and outgoing materials Management of all internal deliveries inside CERN
IT-AIS-FLP: What’s next Install and maintain new releases of our applications All applications improvements on users demand Participate to CFU integration into Qualiac Pension Fund integration
Thanks Jean Welcome Piotr E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec)
IT-AIS-F Foundation IT-AIS
People (in alfabetical order): Wim van Leersum – Section Leader Bartek Pawłowski Piotr Sowiński Nick Ziogas Section consists of 3 staff members and 1 fellow.
Mandate Reuse: Supply a reliable and coherent layer of reference data to AIS and external applications Supply a set of tools that can be reused by the AIS application developers Analyze, design, implement, maintain a number of auxiliary applications that relate to the layer of the reference data There are two faces of Foundation system. One is a data warehouse, second – application framework.
Foundation as a Data Service Provider Data is the core part of Foundation... But ... in most of the cases we are *NOT* the source of the data We extract complicated data structures and make it more accessible for other applications around CERN Data workflow consists of gathering, combining and distributing coherent data to many applications as well as internal and external systems. AIS applications : EDH, HR, HRT BAAN, CRA, ... External systems: Access control, EDMS, Medical systems, .... We provide set of different APIs to manipulate / use the data we offer – our role is to hide complexity ... and as such it should be handled with care, therefore We restrict access to information through a hierarchical system of roles assigned to the users, combined with common login. Currently there are 325 role types and over 110 000 role assignments !!! Where necessary we audit data manipulation
Foundation as an Application Framework Foundation provides infrastructure for the other applications through Common login Dynamic Foundation Menu based on roles assigned to people Access rights Reusable application modules, data API’s Critical applications used by large comunity of users: Common login – single access point to ALL administrative applications ! Salary slips CRA (Computing Resources Administration) Large number of applications, widely used across CERN by various and diverse services Examples: Addressage, Courrier, Firms, Roles, Cost Centers, GESCLE, GESLOC, Guides/Visits, Inventory, PIE, SOS, Telephone Interface for manipulating reference data Lookup values, codes, list etc.
Recent Achievements CRA in Production Reengineered PIE Application New release of improved Common Login PPI (Electronic payslip)
Plans for 2006 CRA Incremental Releases AIS Events Adressage mailing list integration with CRA RRB support EDH Roles Gesloc Facelift Tax certificates in PPI
Thanks Piotr Welcome Lucy E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec)
IT-AIS-HR 4 Staff, 1 Project Associate, 1 Technical Student Ca. 10 applications supported Commercial applications In-house developed smaller applications Tens of thousands end users Specialized Administrative Services CERN on-site users External users
IT-AIS-HR: Business area
IT-AIS-HR: Oracle HR Provided by Oracle Only 2 modules of Oracle e-Business Suite (out of dozens) Central source of personal data at CERN Oracle Forms (Applet) based since 2001 Used by 100 users from specialized services: Records Office (HR) Registration Office (FI) Users Office (PH) + others… Accessed by hundreds of users from various AIS Applications
IT-AIS-HR: HR Access (Payroll) Provided by Fidelity (formerly by IBM) Database (Personnel Data) + Flat Files (Payroll Data) COBOL ! Only 3 users in FI Ca. 4000 Payrolls calculated every month Calculates Leave credits
IT-AIS-HR: e-RT Provided by HireServe Ltd (UK) 1st AIS publicly available application (self registration) Covers ALL recruitment programmes at CERN (Staff, Fellows, Students, Staff Children etc.) 26’000 candidates registered since Oct 2003 44’000 applications forms submitted by candidates (3x more than with paper) Used everyday by HR Recruitment services Back office for 3’000 potential internal users
IT-AIS-HR: CTA Developed with Oracle Application Express Covers ALL training programmes at CERN incl. Safety Used by Ca. 20 users from HR and SC 2’600 courses 3’000 sessions 37’000 registrations Online course catalog
IT-AIS-HR: SIR Developed with Oracle Application Express Allows Registration of attendance Self training Tests Management of courses and tests results Provides kiosk and web access Extensible (ATLAS added in March 2006 – 1600 courses) Ca. 3’500 courses + tests passed since September 05
IT-AIS-HR: PRT Developed with Oracle Application Express Provides Early registration of personnel by external partners Early check of data quality Speed up process at Registration Office Follow-up of personnel by external partners Currently used by 10 External Firms for 20 contracts Version for Users Office in preparation
IT-AIS-HR: Other services and apps GAD: Génération Automatisée de Documents (FI) Person Matching AISReminder BusinessObjects technical support Ad Hoc statistics Bulk updates Periodic operations (leave bookclosing, CHIS extraction, etc)
IT-AIS-HR: Interfaces between systems Payroll Batches EDH + HrAdmin Oracle HR Foundation Person Matching CRA BO Access Cards E-RT PRT
IT-AIS-HR: What’s next Pension Fund integration Oracle HR OnDemand (new Oracle Support contract) HR Access phase 2 (improvements) PRT for Users Office e-RT - EDH interface v2 (STI) AISMonitor 5 yearly review decisions implementation New CHIS extraction to Uniqa Persons duplicate search re-factoring
Thanks Lucy Welcome Jan E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec)
Management Decision Support (MDS) Ensure professional reporting for CERN users and deciders in the fields of Human Resources Finance Therefore we maintain and further develop web based applications like HRT (Human Resources Toolkit) HRT-PIE (HRT for Persons/Institutes/Experiments) SMT (Staff Monitoring Toolkit) CET (CERN Expenditure Tracking) Information Centre CFUtk
MDS Team Members Per Gunnar Jonsson (Section Leader) Chris Dixon (STAF) Jan Janke (STAF) Piotr Sliwa (FELL)
Human Resources Toolkit (HRT) Offers a large variety of reports Personnel information Career history and training details Planning utils Integrates HRT-PIE SMT Report categories Staff Monitoring Toolkit HRT Information Center Access to your payslips
HRT – Many Possibilities Get an overview about the people in your section or group (provided you have the necessary privileges). Try to predict the future… Extract personnel statistics. Forecasting & planning…
Access to HRT Every AIS login holder has personal access (PER) Allows you to view all relevant information concerning your person (personal details, access to training certificates etc.) People charged with an official CERN role like section or group leaders automatically get wider access E.g. a group leader gets access to some (NOT ALL) information concerning the people in his group Accesses differ according to the responsability and the professional needs of a particular person E.g. the medical service does not see your detailed contract data while your DPO is able to view it as he requires this information for planning purposes If you have multiple accesses, you can always switch back to your personal access!
CERN Expenditure Tracking (CET) Built for CERN to meet the Expenditure Tracking needs and challenges for the LHC construction Replaced BHT (Budget Holders Toolkit) in 2002 and provides the following additional functionality: Focus on the Contracts Better pluri-annual reporting Differentiation between budget-code payments paid and payments received by the supplier Combination of financial & non-financial data to assist in helping re-alignment of commitments / cashflow forecasting Earned Value reporting
CET – A Small Example Ranges are also possible!
Basic Common HRT/CET Features Click on the column header to change the ordering. Select the columns you require and choose a default ordering. Display help for unknown input criteria fields. Use a search screen to find a particular unit.
HRT/CET Advanced Features Store your reports You may save the search criteria for a report for reuse Define sophisticated search criteria Complicated criteria like special ex- or inclusions can be achieved by using the custom query feature Use ranges Search for a whole range of budget codes or organic units or … Gather results for self defined entities Use the virtual unit editor to create your own units that differ from the official CERN organic or ppa units or budget codes etc.
HRT/CET Information Centre MDS is constantly asked to enhance existing reports Add extra information to implement new reports Combination of reports A and B in both cases the enhancements are often of interest only for a few users Information Centre allows users to create reports themselves because they know best what they need
HRT Information Centre First implementation - HRT Information Centre Beta release in December 2005 Production (v1.0) in February 2006
Information Centre – Report Editor
Information Centre – Report Execution
Information Centre – Next Steps v1.1 CET Information Centre Test release imminent. v2 Scheduling Send the status of my accounts to me every morning. Send who’s absent each morning. Etc…. First test release in Q2
Thanks Jan Welcome Jozef (II) E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec)
IT-AIS-PM : Projects and Contract Management Presented by Jozef Podolec People Projects Technology Plans
IT-AIS-PM projects PPT - Project Progress Tracking Software tools for collaborative Progress Tracking and Follow-up within projects or other business contexts. 4 instances: ATLAS, LHC, CNGS, EGEE APT – Activity Planning Tool Strategic planning for the whole of CERN CFU - Contract Follow Up AIS project initiated by the Director of Administration in 1997 to provide CERN with all computerized facilities to manage and follow up the complete lifecycle of CERN contracts: Divisional Request -> Market Survey -> Invitation to Tender -> FC adjudication -> Contract
CERN wide strategic planning ATLAS Detector 500 MCHF CORE Cost, 150 institutes in 35 countries 1999 LHC 3.3 BCHF expenditure 12 years 2002 CNGS 75 MCHF expenditure CERN & Gran Sasso 2003 EGEE 50 MCHF, 70 partners, 800 project members 2004 APT CERN wide strategic planning 2005
PPT concepts WBS: Work Breakdown Structure, hierarchical list of all the activities to be performed to complete the project. Workunits: The “Leaves” of the WBS tree. Activity small in size/duration, under responsibility of one person. Workunits use Resources (money, people) to produce Deliverables Other secondary breakdown structures will be used in large projects: People and monetary resources are also organized in OBS (Organization) Deliverables are part of the final product, described in PBS (Product) Individual parts are assembled according to an ABS (Assembly)…
PPT technology Running on neutral platform Rich Web UI on client (web browser) and server (Java) Rich Web UI Import/export facilities (Excel, XML) Analysis reports (OLAP)
Oracle 9i Object Relational Mapping (BC4J) DB (pl/sql) Java based 3rd party product In-house code Change Management API and DB Objects Data Editing Object Relational Mapping (BC4J) Business JavaBeans (Interfaces) Configurable Business Rules JAXB Rich Excel export Struts Web Form Analytical Reporting Summary Layer (DW + OLAP) OLAP (Mondrian) Controller (MDX Query Builder) Alerts / Scheduler Alert Store Scheduler (Quartz) Alert Jobs
CFU AISMedia Reports Oracle Database CERN specific Validation rules
IT-AIS-PM plans for 2006 APT improvements EGEE improvements Training, Usability improvements for SL/GL, Reduce data maintenance work, Crosstab improvements, Bulk transfer HR costing, Generalize Target Figures functionality, Freeze of data / versioning, SMT to APT crosstab comparison, Budget Injection into Qualiac, Performance monitoring setup, … EGEE improvements Form C support Set up EGEE II instance Support other EU projects
CFU/Qualiac migration Integration of CFU into Qualiac: CFU functionalities implemented in Qualiac Reports overhaul New DR document in EDH
New projects ? PPT / ILC Maintenance & Operation of Detectors ECFA ATLAS/RRB: suite et fin!
Questions??????? Thanks Jozef E business 10 mins (Jozef Dransfield) Finance logistics and purchasing 10 mins (Jean Dagron) Foundation 10 mins (Piotr Sowinski) Human resources management 10 mins (Lucy Smith) Management decision support 10 mins (Jan Janke) Projects and contract management 10 mins (Jozef Podolec)