How to Take Customer Orders in a Restaurant
Approaching the Table Usually the table is already setup and ready before you approach the guests-they should be seated and ready to greet you. The rule to follow when approaching your guests is to pleasantly greet them at table within one minute of them being seated. Smile, make eye contact, and give them your name.
Drink Orders The first order to fill is the drink order. Be sure to ask your guests if they would like water. After checking about water needs, share the soft drink and beer menu with your guests, as well as any varieties of ice tea that you offer. This order needs to be taken and served very quickly.
Drink Orders When serving drinks, handle the glasses by the bottom. Never put your finger near the lip of the glass, where your customer will be putting his or her lips.
Once the drinks are served, you may ask if your guests are ready to order.
Explaining the Menu Answer any questions about the menu; give your guest a list of the items included in a dish, if they ask, and be familiar with how each menu item is prepared.
Taking the Food Order Proper etiquette requires that you start with the women of the table, then the children, and finally move on to the men.
Taking the Food Order In taking the order, have your list of questions memorized. If ordering a salad, what kind of dressing? If ordering baked potato, what garnish? If ordering steak, how does it need to be cooked?
Taking the Food Order By creating a list of questions for every menu item, you will be prepared when you are taking the order, and will not have to return to the table when the kitchen asks you for the missing detail, because you forgot to ask. If a customer is unsure, make a suggestion.
Delivering the Food Serve and remove dishes from the patron's right-hand side. Keep your fingers out of the food, and handle the dishes by the edges only. Never leave a guest without food. If the plates are hot, be sure to warn your customers not to burn themselves.
Checking Back If there is a problem with the meal, it will be discovered within the first few minutes of eating. Check back with your guests to ensure that they are satisfied with their meal.
Dessert After the dinner plates have been cleared from the table, you present the opportunity to order dessert and coffee, or after-dinner drinks.
Presenting the Check The check should be presented either with the last course, or just as the last course is being completed. Your guests should never have to look around the restaurant to catch your eye to let you know they wish to pay. Ensure the accuracy of the check and lay it face down to the right of the host's cover, on a small tray, or in a check folder.
Presenting the Check If you are unable to determine who the host may be, place the check near the center of the table. If two people are dining, it is appropriate to place the check between the two guests. It is always wise to ask if there is anything else they wish to order. When you are sure the table is complete, place the check and be sure to thank them .
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