IDEAS FOR “PLAYING” YOUR IDEAS “Playing with ideas is one of the best parts of being an art. Don’t shortcut the fun stuff!” Ms Shuler
Start with a particular subject matter.
Try changing the colors.
Simplify colors or values
Simplify shapes
Add a texture
Change the shape.
There are many ways to make art more interesting There are many ways to make art more interesting! Consider altering or emphasizing “elements” and “principles of design”.
Start with an idea, feeling or concept. Yinka Shonibare explore issues with race and class. His work often deals with the complex relations between Africa and Great Britain.
He uses a variety of images to play with his ideas or “concept”.
The point is to “play” with your ideas. FACTS TO CONSIDER: Play takes time. You can save a lot of time by trying out your ideas on a small scale (thumbnail sketches) before spending hours on a finished piece that doesn’t work. “Your first idea is not usually your best idea!” THINKING THROUGH AND VISUALIZING can save yourself a lot of wasted time and effort. THINKING THROUGH AND VISUALIZING is hard to do in the classroom (try doing this right before you go to bed – many find this works)