Figure 1 Kernel density plots Kernel density plots (A) CR1 TCX, (B) HLA-DRB1 TCX and (C) CER, (D) PILRB (ILMN_1723984) TCX and (E) CER gene expression residuals by relevant index SNP. Distribution of brain gene expression level residuals from all patients obtained after adjustment for all covariates is shown. Green line indicates distribution of gene expression residuals for homozygous minor individuals (Min); blue line indicates the same for heterozygotes (Het); red line indicates the same for major homozygotes (Maj). The number of individuals with each genotype is indicated on the plot (#). CER = cerebellum; SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism; TCX = temporal cortex. Mariet Allen et al. Neurol Genet 2015;1:e15 © 2015 American Academy of Neurology