Bullying Prevention & Education Presented by: Kelly Dunn, Katie Haecker, Loretta Jacoby, Tiffany Quarles, Taileah Rich, & Liz Vohar
Today’s Agenda Kahoot survey Comparison between peer conflict and bullying How to recognize bullying What parents can do What school counselors do Unity Day October 24, 2018
Link: : https://kahoot.it/ Kahoot Survey Link: : https://kahoot.it/
Peer Conflict or Bullying?
What is Peer Conflict? When two kids with no perceived power imbalance fight, have an argument, or disagree. Conflict resolution or peer mediation may be appropriate for these situations. Talk about mistreatment
What is bullying? LCPS Policy 8-41 Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
Bullying can take many forms
Physical Hitting/kicking/pinching Spitting Tripping/pushing Taking or breaking someone’s things
Verbal Teasing Name-calling Inappropriate comments Taunting Threats
Social Intimidation Leaving someone out on purpose Telling other kids not to be friends with someone Spreading rumors Embarrassing someone
Cyber Sending insulting messages through social media
Parents & Families How to recognize and support bullying…
Signs your child is being bullied Unexplainable injuries Destroyed belongings Frequent headaches, stomach aches, feeling sick, faking sick Changes in eating habits Difficulty sleeping Sudden changes in behavior Change in grades Feelings of helplessness/decreased self-esteem Self destructive behavior
What can you do? Be empathetic Encourage your children to be problem solvers Modeling Open communication Nurture their self-esteem/confidence Encourage healthy friendships Teach them how to report What can you do?
Signs your child is being a bully Get into physical or verbal fights Have friends who bully others Are increasingly aggressive Get in trouble frequently Have unexplained extra money or belongings Blame others for their problems Don’t accept responsibility for their actions Competitive and worry about their reputation or popularity
What can you do? Listen Encourage empathy Make restitution Get to the root Model Get support
Bystander : a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part. They neither reinforce the bullying behavior nor defend the child being bullied These kids often want to help, but don’t know how to
Ways that bystanders can intervene Do not give them an audience Re-direct their attention Help get the victim get away Role model kindness Get support
What school counselors do
Approach Multi-tiered system of support to provide bullying prevention, education and intervention 01 PBIS Model Curriculum as a guideline for bullying prevention & education 02 Work collaboratively with school administrators and staff to develop a comprehensive bullying prevention & education action plan 03
Classroom Lessons When: typically during Resource or Spectrum How often: starting in October and throughout the year as needed
Prevention & Education in Middle School Provide Lessons on Defining Bullying Behaviors Types of Bullying and Role of the Bystander Introduce a key word to stop bullying behavior using the PBIS "Expect Respect” 6th Provide Lessons on Sexual Harassment Review bullying behavior using the PBIS “Expect Respect” guidelines and identified key word 7th Provide lessons on Cyberbulling using the Common-Sense Media, “Digital Citizenship” guidelines and resources Review bullying behavior using the PBIS “Expect Respect” guidelines and identified key words 8th Prevention & Education in Middle School
Small Groups Restorative Circles Social skills Friendship skills Communication skills Social Emotional Skill Building
Individual Individual counseling for victim and student demonstrating behavior Restorative Conference Family Support as appropriate
Link: https://kahoot.it/ Kahoot Survey Link: https://kahoot.it/
Bullying Prevention & Awareness Month: October 2018
Counseling Department Initiatives: October @ BAM Bulletin Boards in Resource rooms 10/11: Parent Presentation 10/9-10/31: Morning Announcement Blurb/Quotes 10/16-10/24: B-AM News Broadcast Unity Day 10/24: Unity Day 10/31: Pumpkin Pledge **Throughout the year: Mindful Mondays
We encourage parents and our community to participate! Unity Day line up Morning (8-8:25am): Band playing/music for student arrival Den Time (8:35-9:05): #CLIMBtoUnity Challenge Released Second block (10:24): Human Chain & Chant Third block (11:47-1:47): Unity Music @ Lunch & Table Tents Fourth block (3:00): Most Orange Contest Winners Announced We encourage parents and our community to participate!
Thank you for joining us today! Questions, comments, or concerns?