2nd EIONET NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution E-PRTR Website - An update - 2nd EIONET NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution 16-17 June 2016 European Commission – DG Environment, Industrial Emissions & Safety Unit 1 1
General background: In relation to improving the E-PRTR website the European Commission currently runs the following three IT projects: Update of the E-PRTR website Creating a centralised EU registry for streamlining IED reporting tools Integration of Large Combustion Plants (LCP) reporting into the E-PRTR website 2
Project introduction Original E-PRTR website (developed 2000-2009) based on C# language / Windows XP platform. Improvements in the past inclusion of EPER data information on chemical substances map layers on releases from diffuse sources into the air Need further improvements Implementation Progress Report COM (2013) 111 final: "E-PRTR website will be improved" & "synergies between dataflows" will be sought. Study: E-PRTR review on implementation 2007-2009
Tasks of the 'improvement' project Technological upgrade: Introduce new IT technologies to improve performance E-PRTR website and maintainability Content upgrade: Improve user friendliness and usefulness / Integrate updated information on releases diffuse sources LCP Use case, bug fixing, Documentation, User Manual 4
Project partners: DG ENV EEA (project lead) (IT infrastructure) 5
Main achievements Java is now the programming language (easy to maintain) the website has a greater degree of responsive design (reacts better to different devices and browsers) improvement of both searches and map services (increased & additional features (diffuse water, LCP use case) 6
New look & feel upgraded website 7
New section: Diffuse emissions to water 8
Timeline Kick-Off Meeting: 16 January 2015 Interim Report: June 2015 / Project conclusion: July 2016
Thank you very much! Further information: DG ENV C.4 (IED) ENV-IED@ec.europa.eu +32-2-29-64341